cogent 0.2.3

Basic neural network library for classification.

name = "cogent"

version = "0.2.3"

authors = ["Jonathan Woollett-Light <>"]

edition = "2018"

description = "Basic neural network library for classification."

license = "Apache-2.0"

exclude = ["tests","data"]

repository = ""

documentation = ""

readme = ""

keywords = ["deep-learning","neural-networks","machine-learning"]

catagories= ["science"]

# See more keys and their definitions at

# Library ... # Purpose


rand = "0.7.3"                                      # Random number generation

crossterm="0.17.1"                                  # Printing backpropagation progress

serde = {version = "1.0.106",features=["derive"]}   # Serialize (Export) and deserialize (Import) `NeuralNetwork`

serde_json = "1.0.50"                               # JSON format for serde

arrayfire = "3.7.0"                                 # Linear algebra and GPU compute