[][src]Trait coffee::Game

pub trait Game {
    type Input: Input;
    type LoadingScreen: LoadingScreen;

    const TICKS_PER_SECOND: u16;
    const DEBUG_KEY: Option<KeyCode>;

    fn load(window: &Window) -> Task<Self>
        Self: Sized
fn draw(&mut self, frame: &mut Frame, timer: &Timer); fn interact(&mut self, _input: &mut Self::Input, _window: &mut Window) { ... }
fn update(&mut self, _window: &Window) { ... }
fn debug(&self, _input: &Self::Input, frame: &mut Frame, debug: &mut Debug) { ... }
fn on_close_request(&mut self) -> bool { ... }
fn run(window_settings: WindowSettings) -> Result<()>
        Self: Sized + 'static
, { ... } }

The entrypoint of the engine. It describes your game logic.

Implementors of this trait should hold the game state and any assets necessary for drawing.

Coffee forces you to decouple your game state from your input state. While this might seem limiting at first, it helps you to keep mutability at bay and forces you to think about the architecture of your game.

Associated Types

type Input: Input

The input data of your game.

The built-in KeyboardAndMouse type can be a good starting point. It allows you to query the state of the keyboard and the mouse.

You can also build your custom input type using the Input trait.

If your game does not deal with user input, use ().

type LoadingScreen: LoadingScreen

The loading screen that will be used when your game starts.

The built-in ProgressBar loading screen is a good choice to get started. It shows a simple progress bar.

You can also build your own loading screen type using the LoadingScreen trait.

If you do not want your game to have a loading screen, use ().

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Associated Constants


Defines how many times the update function should be called per second.

By default, it is set to 60.

const DEBUG_KEY: Option<KeyCode>

Defines the key that will be used to toggle the debug view. Set it to None if you want to disable it.

By default, it is set to F12.

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Required methods

fn load(window: &Window) -> Task<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Loads the Game.

Use the load module to load your assets here.

fn draw(&mut self, frame: &mut Frame, timer: &Timer)

Draws the Game.

Check out the graphics module to learn more about rendering in Coffee.

This function will be called once per frame.

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Provided methods

fn interact(&mut self, _input: &mut Self::Input, _window: &mut Window)

Consumes Input to let users interact with the Game.

Right before an update, input events will be processed and this function will be called. This reduces latency when multiple updates need to happen during a single frame.

If no update is needed during a frame, it will still be called once, right after processing input events and before drawing. This allows you to keep your view updated every frame in order to offer a smooth user experience independently of the TICKS_PER_SECOND setting.

You can access the Window. For instance, you may want to toggle fullscreen mode based on some input, or maybe access the Gpu to prepare some assets before rendering.

By default, it does nothing.

fn update(&mut self, _window: &Window)

Updates the Game.

All your game logic should live here.

The TICKS_PER_SECOND constant defines how many times this function will be called per second. This function may be called multiple times per frame if it is necessary.

Notice that you are also allowed to access Window data. This can be useful if your Game needs to know how much of the world is visible.

By default, it does nothing.

fn debug(&self, _input: &Self::Input, frame: &mut Frame, debug: &mut Debug)

Displays debug information.

This method is called after draw once per frame when debug has been toggled using the DEBUG_KEY. Anything you draw here will be on top.

Debug code is only called when compiling with debug_assertions or the debug feature enabled.

By default, it shows Debug, which displays a brief summary about game performance in the top left corner.

fn on_close_request(&mut self) -> bool

Handles a close request from the operating system to the game window.

This function should return true to allow the game loop to end, otherwise false.

By default, it does nothing and returns true.

fn run(window_settings: WindowSettings) -> Result<()> where
    Self: Sized + 'static, 

Runs the Game with the given WindowSettings.

You probably want to call this in your main function to run your game!

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