codespawn 0.3.3

C++ and Rust code generator. Supports XML and JSON for API definitions.
<!-- A config file can be used to redefine/override types and names for
     each language separately. This way, the main definition XML can stay
     type and name neutral. If no override is specified for a particular
     language, then the value from definition XML will be used.
     * Valid tags:
     - <rust /> - Override will be used when generating Rust code.
     - <cpp />  - Override will be used when generating C/C++ code.

     * Valid attributes:
     - num_tabs - Defines how many tab characters to insert per indentation.
                  Defaults to 4 if not specified.
     - tab_char - Defines the actual tab character. Default: space.
     - value - Used in conjunction with either 'name' or 'type'. Defines 
               the override value. Can be defined as empty.
     - type  - When specified, 'value' will override all occurences 
               of type 'type' in generated code.
     - name  - When specified, 'value' will override all occurences 
               of name 'name' in generated code. This applies to
               all named code objects (so variables, functions, structs etc.)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<!-- set num tabs to 1 and use tabs instead of spaces -->
<rust num_tabs="1" tab_char="&#9;" />

<!-- declare type names for Rust -->
<rust type="int" value="c_int" />
<rust type="float" value="c_float" />
<rust type="void" value="c_void" />
<rust type="char" value="c_char" />
<rust type="int*" value="*mut c_int" />
<rust type="float*" value="*mut c_float" />
<rust type="void*" value="*mut c_void" />
<rust type="const float*" value="*const c_float" />
<rust type="const char*" value="*const c_char" />

<!-- Use different name for Rust generated struct -->
<rust name="GenericStruct" value="RustStruct" />
<rust name="C-ABI" value="#[repr(C)]" />
<rust name="DERIVE-DBG" value="#[derive(Debug)]" />
<rust name="OPTION" value="Option&lt;" />
<rust name="OPTION_FPTR" value="Option&lt;extern " />
<!-- Override ellipsis to ignore this variable type in Rust code -->
<rust name="..." value="" />

<cpp name="OPTION" value="" />
<cpp name="OPTION_FPTR" value="" />