codespawn 0.1.5

C++ and Rust code generator. Supports XML and JSON for API definitions.

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Codespawn is a basic C++ and Rust code generator. Desired API can be defined using either JSON or XML and the crate supports both reading from a file or a string. As of 0.1 release, it's possible to generate enums, structs, functions, function pointers and variables with all applicable attributes and properties.

Initially, this crate was created as a helper tool for ProDBG. See example XML for instructions on how to construct the API definition.



# Cargo.toml
codespawn = "0.1"


extern crate codespawn;

fn main()
    // generate from XML definition
    let raw_code = codespawn::from_xml("examples/sample.xml").unwrap();
    // generate from JSON definition
    //let raw_code = codespawn::from_json("examples/sample.json").unwrap();

    // generate code, store as String
    let cpp_code  = raw_code.to_cpp().to_string();
    let rust_code = raw_code.to_rust().to_string();

    // generate and save directly to file

Build instructions

cargo build
cargo run --example xml

This will run the example which will generate code and save it to files using sample XML definition.


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