cocoon 0.1.1

A simple protected container with strong encryption and format validation.


Cocoon is a protected container to wrap sensitive data with a strong encryption and format validation. A format of Cocoon is developed for the following practical cases:

  1. As a file format to organize a simple secure storage:
    1. Key store.
    2. Password store.
    3. Sensitive data store.
  2. For encrypted data transfer:
    • As a secure in-memory container.


Every time when you need a secure storage you re-invent the wheel: you have to take care how to encrypt data properly, how to store and transmit randomly generated buffers, then to get data back, parse, and decrypt securely. Instead you can use Cocoon.

Basic Usage


One party wraps a private data into a container using Cocoon::wrap. Another party (or the same one, or whoever knows the password) unwraps a private data out of the container using Cocoon::unwrap.

📌 wrap/unwrap

let cocoon = Cocoon::new(b"password");

let wrapped = cocoon.wrap(b"my secret data")?;
assert_ne!(&wrapped, b"my secret data");

let unwrapped = cocoon.unwrap(&wrapped)?;
assert_eq!(unwrapped, b"my secret data");


📌 dump/parse

You can store data to file. Put data into Vec container, the data is going to be encrypted in place and stored in a file using the "cocoon" format.

let mut data = b"my secret data".to_vec();
let cocoon = Cocoon::new(b"password");

cocoon.dump(data, &mut file)?;

let data = cocoon.parse(&mut file)?;
assert_eq!(&data, b"my secret data");


📌 encrypt/decrypt

You can encrypt data in place and avoid re-allocations. The method operates with a detached meta-data (a container format prefix) in the array on the stack. It is suitable for "no_std" build and whenever you want to evade re-allocations of a huge amount of data. You have to care how to store and transfer a data length and a container prefix though.

let mut data = "my secret data".to_owned().into_bytes();
let cocoon = Cocoon::from_crypto_rng(b"password", good_rng);

let detached_prefix = cocoon.encrypt(&mut data)?;
assert_ne!(data, b"my secret data");

cocoon.decrypt(&mut data, &detached_prefix)?;
assert_eq!(data, b"my secret data");

Study Case

You implement a database of secrets which must be stored to an encrypted file using a user password. There are a lot of ways how your database can be represented in memory and how it could be serialized. You handle these aspects on your own, e.g. you can use HashMap to manage data and use borsh, or bincode, to serialize the data. You can even compress serialized buffer before encryption.

In the end you use Cocoon to put the final image into encrypted container.

use borsh::BorshSerialize;
use cocoon::{Cocoon, Error};

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::File;

struct Database {
    inner: HashMap<String, String>,

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let mut file = File::create("target/doc/test.db")?;
    let mut db = Database { inner: HashMap::new() };

    db.inner.insert("".to_string(), "eKPV$PM8TV5A2".to_string());

    let encoded = db.try_to_vec().unwrap();

    // Don't use the hard-coded password in the real life!
    // It could be a user-supplied password.
    let cocoon = Cocoon::new(b"secret password");

    // Dump serialized database into file as an encrypted container.
    let container = cocoon.dump(encoded, &mut file)?;



256-bit cryptography is chosen as a Cocoon baseline.

Cipher (AEAD) Key Derivation Function (KDF)
Chacha20-Poly1305 PBKDF2-SHA256: 100000 iterations
  • Key: 256-bit.
  • Salt for KDF: random 128-bit + predefined part.
  • Nonce for encryption: random 96-bit.

Key derivation parameters comply with NIST SP 800-132 recommendations (salt, iterations), and cipher parameters (key, nonce, length) fit requirements of a particular cipher. AEAD is chosen in order to authenticate an encrypted data together with an unencrypted header.