cobyla 0.3.2

COBYLA optimizer for Rust
//! cobyla
//! COBYLA is an algorithm for minimizing a function of many variables. The method is derivatives free (only the function values are needed)
//! and take into account constraints on the variables. The algorithm is described in:
//! > M.J.D. Powell, "A direct search optimization method that models the objective and constraint functions by linear interpolation," in
//! > Advances in Optimization and Numerical Analysis Mathematics and Its Applications, vol. 275 (eds. Susana Gomez and Jean-Pierre Hennart),
//! > Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 51-67 (1994).
//! The objective function to be minimized has to implement the [`ObjFn`] trait, while constraints,
//! also defined as functions of the input variables have to implement the [`CstrFn`] trait.
//! Constraints values are intended to be positive at the end of the optimization.
//! The algorithm can be run either using the [`fmin_cobyla`] function or using the [`CobylaSolver`]
//! which leverages the [argmin]( framework.
//! Implementation Notes:
//! 0.3.x : COBYLA is now also implemented as an argmin::Solver and benefits from [argmin framework]( tooling.
//! 0.2.x : The C code is now translated in Rust using c2rust transpiler then manually edited to avoid FFI usage
//! to get Rust (unsafe) implementation.
//! 0.1.x : the C code is wrapped with with bindgen is visible as the `raw_cobyla` function using the callback type
//! `cobyla_calcfc` which is used to compute the objective function and the constraints.
mod cobyla;
use crate::cobyla::raw_cobyla;

mod cobyla_solver;
mod cobyla_state;
pub use crate::cobyla_solver::*;
pub use crate::cobyla_state::*;

use std::os::raw::c_void;
use std::slice;

/// A trait for an objective function to be minimized
/// An objective function takes the form of a closure `f(x: &[f64], user_data: &mut U) -> f64`
/// * `x` - n-dimensional array
/// * `user_data` - user defined data
pub trait ObjFn<U>: Fn(&[f64], &mut U) -> f64 {}
impl<F, U> ObjFn<U> for F where F: Fn(&[f64], &mut U) -> f64 {}

/// A trait for a constraint function which should be positive eventually
/// A constraint function takes the form of a closure `f(x: &[f64]) -> f64`
/// The algorithm makes the constraint positive eventually.
/// For instance if you want an upper bound MAX for x,
/// you have to define the constraint as `|x| MAX - x`.
/// Conversly for a lower bound you would define `|x| x - MIN`
/// * `x` - n-dimensional array
pub trait CstrFn: Fn(&[f64]) -> f64 {}
impl<F> CstrFn for F where F: Fn(&[f64]) -> f64 {}

/// Packs a function with a user defined parameter set of type `U`
/// and constraints to be made positive eventually by the optimizer
struct FunctionCfg<'a, F: ObjFn<U>, G: CstrFn, U> {
    pub func: F,
    pub cons: &'a [G],
    pub data: U,

/// Callback interface for Cobyla C code to evaluate objective and constraint functions
fn function_raw_callback<F: ObjFn<U>, G: CstrFn, U>(
    n: ::std::os::raw::c_long,
    m: ::std::os::raw::c_long,
    x: *const f64,
    con: *mut f64,
    data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
) -> f64 {
    // prepare args
    let argument = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(x, n as usize) };
    // recover FunctionCfg object from supplied params and call
    let f = unsafe { &mut *(data as *mut FunctionCfg<F, G, U>) };
    let res = (f.func)(argument, &mut;

    for i in 0..m as isize {
        unsafe {
            *con.offset(i) = (f.cons[i as usize])(argument);

    // Important: we don't want f to get dropped at this point

/// Minimizes a function using the Constrained Optimization By Linear Approximation (COBYLA) method.
/// This interface is modeled after [scypi.optimize.fmin_cobyla](
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cobyla::{fmin_cobyla, CstrFn};
/// fn paraboloid(x: &[f64], _data: &mut ()) -> f64 {
///     10. * (x[0] + 1.).powf(2.) + x[1].powf(2.)
/// }
/// let mut x = vec![1., 1.];
/// // Constraints definition to be positive eventually
/// let mut cons: Vec<&dyn CstrFn> = vec![];
/// cons.push(&|x: &[f64]| x[1] - x[0] * x[0]);
/// cons.push(&|x: &[f64]| 1. - x[0] * x[0] - x[1] * x[1]);
/// let (status, x_opt) = fmin_cobyla(paraboloid, &mut x, &cons, (), 0.5, 1e-4, 200, 0);
/// println!("status = {}", status);
/// println!("x = {:?}", x_opt);
/// ```
/// # Algorithm description:
/// COBYLA minimizes an objective function F(X) subject to M inequality
/// constraints on X, where X is a vector of variables that has N components.
/// The algorithm employs linear approximations to the objective and constraint
/// functions, the approximations being formed by linear interpolation at N+1
/// points in the space of the variables. We regard these interpolation points
/// as vertices of a simplex.
/// The parameter RHO controls the size of the simplex and it is reduced
/// automatically from RHOBEG to RHOEND. For each RHO the subroutine tries
/// to achieve a good vector of variables for the current size, and then RHO
/// is reduced until the value RHOEND is reached.
/// Therefore RHOBEG and RHOEND should be set to reasonable initial changes to and the
/// required accuracy in the variables respectively, but this accuracy should be
/// viewed as a subject for experimentation because it is not guaranteed.
/// The subroutine has an advantage over many of its competitors, however, which is
/// that it treats each constraint individually when calculating a change to the
/// variables, instead of lumping the constraints together into a single penalty
/// function.  
/// The name of the algorithm is derived from the phrase Constrained
/// Optimization BY Linear Approximations.
/// The user can set the values of RHOBEG and RHOEND, and must provide an
/// initial vector of variables in X. Further, the value of IPRINT should be
/// set to 0, 1, 2 or 3, which controls the amount of printing during the
/// calculation. Specifically, there is no output if IPRINT=0 and there is
/// output only at the end of the calculation if IPRINT=1.  
/// Otherwise each new value of RHO and SIGMA is printed.  
/// Further, the vector of variables and some function information are
/// given either when RHO is reduced or when each
/// new value of F(X) is computed in the cases IPRINT=2 or IPRINT=3
/// respectively.  Here SIGMA is a penalty parameter, it being assumed that a
/// change to X is an improvement if it reduces the merit function:
/// F(X)+SIGMA*MAX(0.0,-C1(X),-C2(X),...,-CM(X)),
/// where C1, C2, ..., CM denote the constraint functions that should become
/// nonnegative eventually, at least to the precision of RHOEND.  In the
/// printed output the displayed term that is multiplied by SIGMA is
/// called MAXCV, which stands for 'MAXimum Constraint Violation'.
pub fn fmin_cobyla<'a, F: ObjFn<U>, G: CstrFn, U>(
    func: F,
    x0: &'a mut [f64],
    cons: &[G],
    args: U,
    rhobeg: f64,
    rhoend: f64,
    maxfun: i32,
    iprint: i32,
) -> (i32, &'a [f64]) {
    let n: i32 = x0.len() as i32;
    let m: i32 = cons.len() as i32;

    // Our strategy is to pass the actual objective function as part of the
    // parameters to the callback. For this we pack it inside a FunctionCfg struct.
    // We allocate our FunctionCfg on the heap and pass a pointer to the C lib
    // (This is pretty unsafe but it works).
    let fn_cfg = Box::new(FunctionCfg {
        data: args, // move user_data into FunctionCfg
    let fn_cfg_ptr = Box::into_raw(fn_cfg) as *mut c_void;

    let x = x0;
    let mut maxfun = maxfun.into();
    let mut w = vec![0.; (n * (3 * n + 2 * m + 11) + 4 * m + 6) as usize];
    let mut iact = vec![0; (m + 1) as usize];
    let status = unsafe {
            Some(function_raw_callback::<F, G, U>),
            &mut maxfun,
    // Convert the raw pointer back into a Box with the Box::from_raw function,
    // allowing the Box destructor to perform the cleanup.
    unsafe { Box::from_raw(fn_cfg_ptr) };
    (status, x)

mod tests {
    use approx::assert_abs_diff_eq;

    use super::*;

    // First problem (see cobyla.c case 1)

    fn paraboloid(x: &[f64], _data: &mut ()) -> f64 {
        10. * (x[0] + 1.).powf(2.) + x[1].powf(2.)

    fn test_fmin_cobyla() {
        let mut x = vec![1., 1.];

        let mut cons: Vec<&CstrFn> = vec![];
        let cstr1 = |x: &[f64]| x[0];

        // x_opt = [0, 0]
        let (status, x_opt) = fmin_cobyla(paraboloid, &mut x, &cons, (), 0.5, 1e-4, 200, 1);
        println!("status = {}", status);
        println!("x = {:?}", x_opt);

        assert_abs_diff_eq!(x.as_slice(), [0., 0.].as_slice(), epsilon = 1e-4);

    /// Direct usage Pb 1
    unsafe fn calcfc(
        _n: ::std::os::raw::c_long,
        _m: ::std::os::raw::c_long,
        x: *const f64,
        _con: *mut f64,
        _data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
    ) -> f64 {
        let r1 = *x.offset(0) + 1.0;
        let r2 = *x.offset(1);
        10.0 * (r1 * r1) + (r2 * r2)

    fn test_cobyla() {
        let n = 2;
        let m = 0;
        let mut x = vec![1.0, 1.0];
        let rhobeg = 0.5;
        let rhoend = 1e-4;
        let iprint = 0;
        let mut maxfun = 2000;
        let mut w: Vec<_> = vec![0.; 3000];
        let mut iact: Vec<_> = vec![0; 51];
        let null = std::ptr::null_mut::<c_void>();

        // xopt = [-1., 0.]
        unsafe {
                &mut maxfun,
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(x.as_slice(), [-1., 0.].as_slice(), epsilon = 1e-3);

    // Second problem (see cobyla.c case 6)

    fn fletcher9115(x: &[f64], _data: &mut ()) -> f64 {
        -x[0] - x[1]

    fn test_fmin_cobyla2() {
        let mut x = vec![1., 1.];

        let mut cons: Vec<&dyn CstrFn> = vec![];
        cons.push(&|x: &[f64]| x[1] - x[0] * x[0]);
        cons.push(&|x: &[f64]| 1. - x[0] * x[0] - x[1] * x[1]);

        let (status, x_opt) = fmin_cobyla(fletcher9115, &mut x, &cons, (), 0.5, 1e-4, 200, 1);
        println!("status = {}", status);
        println!("x = {:?}", x_opt);

        let sqrt_0_5: f64 = 0.5_f64.sqrt();
        assert_abs_diff_eq!(x_opt, [sqrt_0_5, sqrt_0_5].as_slice(), epsilon = 1e-4);

    /// Direct usage Pb 6
    unsafe fn calcfc_cstr(
        _n: ::std::os::raw::c_long,
        _m: ::std::os::raw::c_long,
        x: *const f64,
        con: *mut f64,
        _data: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void,
    ) -> f64 {
        let r1 = *x.offset(0);
        let r2 = *x.offset(1);
        let fc = -r1 - r2;
        *con.offset(0) = r2 - r1 * r1;
        *con.offset(1) = 1.0 - r1 * r1 - r2 * r2;

    fn test_cobyla_cstr() {
        let n = 2;
        let m = 2;
        let mut x = vec![1.0, 1.0];
        let rhobeg = 0.5;
        let rhoend = 1e-4;
        let iprint = 0;
        let mut maxfun = 2000;
        let mut w: Vec<_> = vec![0.; 3000];
        let mut iact: Vec<_> = vec![0; 51];
        let null = std::ptr::null_mut::<c_void>();

        // xopt = [sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5)]
        unsafe {
                &mut maxfun,

        let sqrt_0_5: f64 = 0.5_f64.sqrt();
            [sqrt_0_5, sqrt_0_5].as_slice(),
            epsilon = 1e-4