cobalt-bin 0.8.0

Static site generator written in Rust
<a name="0.8.0"></a>
## 0.8.0 (2017-11-09)

#### Bug Fixes

* **new:**
  *  Pages start as md by default ([892d798d]
  *  Auto-created posts start as drafts ([0cfc1581]
* **watch:**  Rebuilding ignores dest ([b72863b9]
*   Auto-ignore dest in more cases ([8676a3a8]
*   Don't ignore dest look-alikes ([33c7d0de]
*   source/dest are now relative to config ([ce95b395]
* **clean:**  Better detect what we can't clean ([78bbfc3e]
* **cli:**  Clarify role of --destination ([a9fce407]
* **config:**
  *  Don't support absolute paths ([6fd9af96], closes [#319]
* **jekyll:**  Clean up flag names ([80468b9f]
* **data-files:**  Provide information which file caused an error ([6b8e7018]
* **error:**  Report file path on parse error ([c1cf01cd]
* **log:**  Reduce noise when level is debug ([646d5897]

#### Breaking Changes

* **config:**
  * Auto-ignore dest in more cases ([8676a3a8]
  * source/dest are now relative to config ([ce95b395]
  * Remove layouts config setting ([137fb960]
  * Find config in parent rather than default ([4e96a1fb]
* **cli:**
  * Remove global config flags ([b00aad63]
  * Remove source/posts/layouts flags ([70b549da]
* **jekyll:**  Clean up flag names ([80468b9f]

#### Features

* **init:**  Update defaults ([8a0eda99]
* **new:**  Clearer contract for `cobalt new` ([8e44311f]
*   New publish sub-command ([c0329df5]
*   Expose config's site values ([7fea9ddf], closes [#216]
* **cli:**
  * Remove global config flags ([b00aad63]
  * Remove source/posts/layouts flags ([70b549da]
* **config:**
  *  Change future destination to `_site` ([da586c71]
  *  Remove layouts config setting ([137fb960]
  *  Find config in parent rather than default ([4e96a1fb]
* **front:**
  *  Set `published_date` from filename ([ad69b1fc]
* **liquid:**  Upgrade to 0.11 ([fd366fb9]
  * syntax: Add `arr[0]` and `obj["name"]` indexing (PR #141, fixes #127)
  * value: Add `nil` value to support foreign data (PR #140)

<a name="0.7.5"></a>
## 0.7.5 (2017-10-22)

#### Bug Fixes

* **jekyll:**  Remove crash ([7d07b2cc]
*   Don't dump a flag that isn't meant to be ([c3873e29]

<a name="0.7.4"></a>
## 0.7.4 (2017-10-21)

#### Bug Fixes

* **md:**  Add table/ref support ([1aa53d24], closes [#303]

#### Features

*   Improve error reporting to user ([1e07708b]
* **data-files:**  Add data file support ([bb2d7c0f], closes [#256]
* **scss:**  Implement compiling of SCSS files ([76b8d8ae]

<a name="0.7.3"></a>
## 0.7.3 (2017-10-05)

#### Breaking Changes

* `page.path` now returns non-exploded path. ([7f571a8b]
* `--dump=liquid` is now split into `--dump=DocObject` and `--dump=DocTermplate` ([3439265b]

#### Features

* Support `:categories` in permalink ([a9b4474f]
* Support nested frontmatter ([cafd42fa]
* **syntax-highlight:**  Succeed on windows ([f1129fa8]
* **debug:**
  *  Dump doc with all defaults/globals ([e4ff582f]
  *  Link substitutions dump flag added ([3439265b]

#### Bug Fixes

* **build:**  Do not attempt to build the output ([51f486a8]
* **watch:**  Ignore dest rather than rebuild ([fce89368], closes [#170]

## 0.7.2 (2017-07-04)

#### Bug Fixes

*   Bump syntect version to 1.7.0 and enable dump-load feature ([4d0e14a7]

## 0.7.1 (2017-06-25)

#### Bug Fixes

* **CI:**
  *  Show all build failures, not just first ([52916cd8]
  *  Re-enable Stable builds on Linux ([24f3b209]

## 0.7.0 (2017-06-24)

#### Bug Fixes

* **tests:**
  *  Harden CLI tests ([0a73edd0]
  *  Improve error reporting ([0d379935]
  *  Make it easier to add new tests ([03fdecda]
* **tests/cli/log_levels:**  Improve comparison error reporting ([334c4d2e]
* Stabalize the CI ([5d739b5]
* Upgrade to [liquid-rust 0.10.0] ([2421679]
* `cobalt serve` should ignore query strings ([eb9e0b0]
* Gracefully handle empty frontmatters ([5aa5813]

#### Performance

* **document:**  cache off Regex objects ([2b2525c1]

#### Features

* More advanced blacklisting, now with whitelisting! ([be05d963], closes [#221]
* **attributes:**  Add input-file based attributes ([95fb81f5]
* **debug:**  Dump intermediate state ([fec65b37]
* Upgrade to [liquid-rust 0.10.0] ([2421679]
* `cobalt new` added to create pages (former `cobalt new` renamed to `cobalt init`) ([4700f34]
* Customize post sort order with `post_order: "asc"` ([28df5e2]
* Posts now have `prev` and `next` attributes ([dbcaf7e]
* Documents now have `title`, `slug`, and `ext` attributes ([46b3b22]

#### Breaking Changes

* `.cobalt.yml`'s `ignore` changed to `gitingore` format ([be05d963], closes [#221]
* `cobalt new` renamed to `cobalt init` ([fe3a246]

## 0.5

- We now generate binaries for OSX, Windows, and Linux ([@johannhof][])
- Experimental Syntax Highlighting support (behind a compiler flag until we fix Windows support)([@gnunicorn][])
- Prevent `cargo clean` from deleting the current directory ([@kracekumar][])
- Set charset utf-8 in the default template ([@nott][])
- tons of other bugfixes and improvements (all of the above + [@benaryorg][], [@crodjer][] and [@uetoyo][])

## 0.4

- Improved Windows support ([@johannhof][])
- Migrated from getopt to clap, global parameters are now available in subcommands ([@jespino][])
- Added draft support ([@johannhof][])
- Added `content` and `excerpt` attributes to posts ([@johannhof][] and [@nott][])
- Added `guid` tag to RSS ([@nott][])
- Added `cobalt clean` ([@rjgoldsborough][])
- tons of other bugfixes and improvements (all of the above + [@LucioFranco][])

## 0.3

- Added `cobalt serve` ([@tak1n][] and [@DonRyuDragoni][])
- Added `cobalt watch` ([@LucioFranco][])
- Added `cobalt new` ([@LucioFranco][])
- Added `cobalt build --import` ([@LucioFranco][])
- Moved from _posts to posts ([@johannhof][])
- Ignore underscored directories by default ([@johannhof][])
- Added an `ignore` attribute to .cobalt.yml ([@jespino][])
- Implemented custom paths (permalinks) ([@johannhof][])
- Removed the .tpl file extension in favor of .liquid ([@tak1n][])
- tons of other bugfixes and improvements (all of the above + [@kstep][])

## 0.2

- Initial release
