Module coaster::plugin[][src]

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Provides helpers for explicit implementations of Backend [Operations][operation]. [operation]: ../operation/index.html

A Backend is a Rust struct like any other, therefore you probably would like to implement certain methods for the Backend. As the whole purpose of a Backend is to provide an abstraction over various computation devices and computation languages, these implemented methods will than be able to excute on different devices and use the full power of the machine’s underlying hardware.

So extending the Backend with operations is easy. In Coaster we call crates, which provide operations for the Backend, Plugins. Plugins are usually a group of related operations of a common field. Two examples for Coaster Plugins are BLAS and NN.

A Plugin does roughly two important things. It provides generic traits and the explicit implementation of these traits for one or (even better) all available Coaster Frameworks - common host CPU, OpenCL, CUDA.

The structure of Plugin is pretty simple with as little overhead as possible. Macros make implementations even easier. If you would like to use specific Plugins for you Backend, all you need to do is set them as dependencies in your Cargo file in addition to the Coaster crate. The Plugin then automatically extends the Backend provided by Coaster.

Extending the Backend with your own Plugin is a straight forward process. For now we recommend that you take a look at the general code structure of Coaster-BLAS or its documentation. Let us now about your Plugin on the Gitter chat, we are happy to feature your Coaster Plugin on the README.


Describes numeric types and traits for a Plugin.


Defines a high-level Plugin Error.


Generic trait for floating point numbers