cmp_wrap 0.1.2

Let you compare structes by context


Have you ever needed to compare the same data by different fields, depending on context? If so, this crate is for you!


Using context

You probably have some kind of context in which you would like to compare your values, such as length of vectors or the first value.

use cmp_wrap::KeyCmpContext;

let by_length = KeyCmpContext::new(&|v: &Vec<_>| v.len());

let long_vec = by_length.wrap(vec![1,2,3,4]);
let short_vec = by_length.wrap(vec![1,2]);

assert!(long_vec > short_vec, "The vec {:?} is longer then {:?}", long_vec, short_vec);

By direct creation

you can define the key function on a "case by case" basis.

use cmp_wrap::CmpByKey;

let len_as_key = |v: &Vec<_>| v.len();

let long_vec = CmpByKey::new(vec![1,2,3,4], &len_as_key);
let short_vec = CmpByKey::new(vec![1,2], &len_as_key);

assert!(long_vec > short_vec, "The vector {:?} is longer then {:?}", long_vec, short_vec);

License: MIT