cml-core 5.3.1

Multiplatform SDK for core Cardano blockchain functionality
name = "cml-core"
version = "5.3.1"
edition = "2018"
authors = ["dcSpark"]
license = "MIT"
description = "Multiplatform SDK for core Cardano blockchain functionality"
documentation = ""
repository = ""
readme = "../../"
keywords = ["cardano"]

crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

cbor_event = "2.2.0"
linked-hash-map = "0.5.3"
derivative = "2.2.0"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.57"
schemars = "0.8.8"

bech32 = "0.7.2"
hex = "0.4.0"
itertools = "0.10.1"
getrandom = { version = "0.2.3", features = ["js"] }
rand = "0.8.5"
fraction = "0.10.0"
base64 = "0.13"
num-bigint = "0.4.0"
num-integer = "0.1.45"
#rand_os = "0.1"
thiserror = "1.0.37"
cfg-if = "1"

# These can be removed if we make wasm bindings for ALL functionality here.
# This was not done right now as there is a lot of existing legacy code e.g.
# for Byron that might need to be used from WASM and might not.
# We can remove this dependency when that is decided.
# The other use-case here is enums. Without this two enums would need to be defined
# despite wasm_bindgen supporting C-style enums (with non-negative values) 100%
# This could possibly be resolved with macros but maybe not.

# non-wasm
#[target.'cfg(not(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten"))))'.dependencies]
#rand_os = "0.1"
#noop_proc_macro = "0.3.0"

# wasm
#[target.'cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))'.dependencies]
wasm-bindgen = { version = "=0.2.83", features = ["serde-serialize"] }
#rand_os = { version = "0.1", features = ["wasm-bindgen"] }
#js-sys = "=0.3.59"

quickcheck = "0.9.2"
quickcheck_macros = "0.9.1"
rand_chacha = "0.3.1"