clucstr 1.1.9

Safe creation of “CStr” with zero cost at the compilation stage with checking for zero bytes and the ability to transfer multiple values.


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Safe creation of “CStr” with zero cost at the compilation stage with checking for zero bytes and the ability to transfer multiple values.


  1. Creation of safe CStr at a compilation stage.
  2. Check of zero bytes at a stage of compilation or checks of "Rls or Rust check".
  3. Concatenation of several values, different types: [u8], & 'static str, u8, i8, (0 without specifying the type).
  4. All actions happen at a compilation stage, processor time is not required.



use std::ffi::CStr;

fn main() {
	let cstr_1 = cstr!("cluWorld");
	assert_eq!(cstr_1.to_bytes_with_nul(), b"cluWorld\0");
	//"cluWorld", [99, 108, 117, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 0], len:9
	let cstr_2 = cstr!("cluWorld\0");
	//"cluWorld", [99, 108, 117, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 0], len:9
	assert_eq!(cstr_2.to_bytes_with_nul(), b"cluWorld\0");
	let cstr_3 = cstr!("clu", b"World");
	//"cluWorld", [99, 108, 117, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 0], len:9
	assert_eq!(cstr_3.to_bytes_with_nul(), b"cluWorld\0");
	let cstr_4 = cstr!(
		b'c', b'l', b'u',
		b'W', b'o', b'r', b'l', b'd',
	//"cluWorld", [99, 108, 117, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 0], len:9
	assert_eq!(cstr_4.to_bytes_with_nul(), b"cluWorld\0");
	let cstr_5 = cstr!(
		//It is possible to insert such values as: [u8], & 'static str, u8, i8, (0 without specifying the type).
		b'W', b'o', b'r', b'l', b"d\0"
		//The zero byte is automatically added, it is possible to write it, and it is possible not to write.
		//It is forbidden to insert zero byte in the middle or at the beginning of a line.
	//"cluWorld", [99, 108, 117, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 0], len:9
	assert_eq!(cstr_5.to_bytes_with_nul(), b"cluWorld\0");
	my_function(1, cstr_1);
	my_function(2, cstr_2);
	my_function(3, cstr_3);
	my_function(4, cstr_4);
	my_function(5, cstr_5);

fn my_function(num: usize, a: &'static CStr) {
	//'static --> it is possible not to write.
	let c_arr = a.to_bytes_with_nul();
	println!("#cstr_{} {:?}, array: {:?}, len: {}", num, a, c_arr, c_arr.len());



use std::ffi::CStr;

fn main() {
	let cstr = cstr!("My CSTR!");
	assert_eq!(cstr.to_bytes(), b"My CSTR!");
	assert_eq!(cstr.to_bytes_with_nul(), b"My CSTR!\0");



use std::ffi::CStr;

fn main() {
	//let c_str = cstr!("cluW\0orld");
	//PANIC! trailing byte detected
	//let c_str2 = cstr!("cluWorld\0\0");
	//PANIC! trailing byte detected
	//let c_str3 = cstr!("\0clu", b"W\0orld");
	//PANIC! trailing byte detected
	/*let c_str4 = cstr!(
		b'c', b'l', b'u', 0u8,
		b'W', b'o', b'r', b'l', b'd',
	//PANIC! trailing byte detected




mod tests {
	use super::*;
	use tests::test::Bencher;
	use std::ffi::CStr;
	extern crate test;
	macro_rules! unsafe_cstr {
		($s:expr) => {
			unsafe {
					concat!($s, "\0") 
						as *const str  
						as *const [::std::os::raw::c_char] 
						as *const ::std::os::raw::c_char
	fn cstr_plugin(b: &mut Bencher) {
		b.iter(|| {
			for _a in 0..10 {
				let _cstr0 = cstr!(b"test");
	fn cstr_macros(b: &mut Bencher) {
		b.iter(|| {
			for _a in 0..10 {
				let _cstr0 = unsafe_cstr!("test");

running 2 tests

test tests::cstr_macros ... bench: 67 ns/iter (+/- 1) !Attention ns > 0, full unsafe, no guarantees

test tests::cstr_plugin ... bench: 0 ns/iter (+/- 0) !Attention ns == 0, plus zero byte checking and plus concatenation

Launch benchmark:

cargo bench --example bench


Copyright 2019 #UlinProject Denis Kotlyarov (Денис Котляров)

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0