cluColor 0.1.2

Methods for formatted recording of color output.


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Methods for formatted recording of color output.

Easy methods of formatted recording

extern crate clucolor;

let str_colored = color!(blue, "test");
println!("{}", str_colored);

let str_colored = color!(blue, bold, "test");
println!("{}", str_colored);

let str_colored = color!(bright_red, bold, "test");
println!("{}", str_colored);

Generating a string using color types

extern crate clucolor;

use clucolor::colors::cluColor;
use clucolor::colors::BrightRed;

let string = BrightRed::string_fmt( format_args!("[{:?}] {}", TEST, str) );
let string = BrightRed::stringn( "color str!" );

Recording macros in Write trait

extern crate clucolor;

use clucolor::colors::Blue;
use clucolor::colors::BrightBlue;

writen_color!(&mut ::std::io::stdout(), BrightBlue, "OutValueTest {}", 123);
writen_color!(&mut ::std::io::stdout(), BrightBlue, "OutValueTest2 {}", 12345);
writen_color!(&mut File::open("color_file.txt"), BrightBlue, "Color Str:)", 12345);

Recording using color types

extern crate clucolor;

use clucolor::colors::Blue;
use clucolor::colors::BrightBlue;

let mut vec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new(); // For Vec implemented Write!!

let _e = BrightBlue::write_str(&mut vec, "color str!" );

let _e = vec.write(b"TestValue"); // For Vec implemented Write!!
//Also this value will remain without color formatting.

let _e = BrightBlue::writen_str(&mut vec, "end str.." );

let _e = BrightRed::writen(&mut vec, b"end value.." );

All other functions are implemented in color mod with the help of cluColor!


Copyright 2018 #UlinProject Денис Котляров

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0