clout 0.0.1

commandline output library - holding package

Clout is a command line output library.

It provides a similar interface to the logging crate but with a different focus:

  • clout's output is opinionated and not pluggable like logging
  • clout provides output with sensible settings for use in command line tools
  • colours are supported for different message levels
  • output is always to stdout (for now)

Many libraries already output messages to the logging framework, and you generally don't want all these messages to get displayed to the end user. Clout allows you to generate output using a logging-style API without having to filter all these messages. (In fact you can use clout and logging together eg. by sending the logging messages to a file)

clout includes an additional level between Warn and Info, called Status - this is intended for most output messages. This is because typically CLI tools provide 3 levels of verbosity (-v, -vv, and -vvv is a common practice) but logging only provides two levels below info.