cloud-storage-rs 0.1.3

A crate for uploading files to Google cloud storage, and for generating download urls.
# Cloud Storage

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[![stripe-rust on](](

A library that can be used to push blobs to [Google Cloud Storage](, and then generate download links to those files:

// create a new Bucket
let bucket = Bucket::create("mybucket").unwrap();
// upload a file to our new bucket
bucket.upload(b"Your file is now on google cloud storage!", "folder/filename.txt", "application/text").unwrap();
// let's rename the file
bucket.update("folder/filename.txt", "new filename.txt").unwrap();
// print a link to the file
println!("{}", bucket.download_url("new filename.txt", 1000)); // download link for 1000 seconds
// remove the file from the bucket

Authorization can be granted using the `SERVICE_ACCOUNT` environment variable, which should contain path to the `service-account-*******.json` file that contains the Google credentials. The service account requires the permission `devstorage.full_control`. This is not strictly necessary, so if you need this fixed, let me know! 

The service account should also have the roles `Service Account Token Creator` (for generating access tokens) and `Storage Object Admin` (for generating sign urls to download the files).

The exposed API is very bare-bones right now, only allowing storing, reading, moving and deleting. Feel free to open up a pull request is you need more complete support, it shouldn't be too much work to add more endpoints.