cloud-storage-rs 0.1.1

A crate for uploading files to Google cloud storage, and for generating download urls.

Cloud Storage

A library that can be used to push blobs to [Google Cloud Storage] (, and then generate download links to those files:

// create a new Bucket
let bucket = Bucket::create("mybucket").unwrap();
bucket.upload(b"Your file is now on google cloud storage!", "folder/filename.txt", "application/text").unwrap();
bucket.update("folder/filename.txt", "new filename.txt").unwrap();
println!("{}", bucket.download_url("new filename.txt", 1000)); // download link for 1000 seconds

Authorization can be granted using the SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variable, which sould the path to the service-account-*******.json file that contains the Google credentials. The service account requires the permission devstorage.full_control. This is not strictly necessary, so if you need this fixed, let me know!

The service account should also have the roles Service Account Token Creator (for generating access tokens) and Storage Object Admin (for generating sign urls to download the files).