clokwerk 0.4.0-rc1

A simple Rust recurring task scheduler, similar to Python's schedule
## 0.4.0

Multiple breaking changes:
* `Job` renamed to `SyncJob`
* Job scheduling methods moved to the new `Job` trait. Existing code will need to add e.g. `use clokwerk::Job as _`

New features:
* Added `AsyncScheduler` and `AsyncJob` to provide a simple way for working with `async`/`Future`s.
  This adds no new dependencies, and this feature is gated behind the `async` feature (enabled by default).

Bug fixes:
* Combining `.at("00:00")` with an interval that aligns with midnight (for example, `every(`) will no longer wait until the *following* midnight to run.

## 0.3.4

* Times returned by `Interval::next` and `Interval::prev` now have nanoseconds set to 0; previously, the nanoseconds of the current time would be used.
* Improve documentation on `Scheduler::watch_thread`.

## 0.3.3

* Adding the trait in 0.3.1 was accidentally a breaking change, and hurt usability, so that change was reverted.

## 0.3.2

* Fix documentation link

## 0.3.1

* Support repeating jobs in quicker succession than normally scheduled
* New trait to allow more flexibility in specifying times using Job::at

## 0.3.0

* Remove `Sync` requirement for jobs
* Add `TimeProvider` type parameter to allow custom times when testing
* Add license file
* Make `now` a parameter of `Job::is_pending` and `Job::execute`
* Let a job run only a finite number of times with new methods `Job::once` and `Job::count`. (`Job::forever` also exists, in case you change your mind.)
* Expose the `NextTime` trait to let others compute next and previous intervals

## 0.2.2

* Fix divide-by-zero in interval calculation

## 0.2.1

* Remove debug println

## 0.2.0

* Custom timezone support

## 0.1.1

* Minor fixes and documentation

## 0.1.0

* Original release