clocksource 0.2.1

clocksource provides TSC access with transparent fallback to clock_gettime()

clocksource - high performance clocks for Rust

Clocksource allows access to alternate clocksources like the TSC on your Intel x86 CPU. Most modern processors support 'constant_tsc' allowing us to use this counter as a high resolution clock. The cost of reading this counter can be much lower than calls to 'clock_gettime()' - especially on virtualized environments.

Unfortunately, this requires we use nightly rust until the asm!() macro is stabilized. We provide fallback for users on stable rust, this should allow zero-cost abstraction of clock_gettime() for stable builds without benefit of the high-performance timing.

The API documentation of this library can be found at

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Getting clocksource

add clocksource to your dependencies and start using it


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