clit-rs 0.1.11

Command line tool allow you to access twitter
# Command Line Interface Tweeter (rust version)

Screenshot in alacritty:

![Displaying a user's timeline in a terminal.](

The rust version of this tool is somewhat faster than its [haskell
counterpart](, but the haskell
one has a few more features.

Reasons to use clit-rs:
  - Faster than other tools ([t], [rainbowstream]
  - Lightweight (5MB, low CPU/memory usage)
  - Unobtrusive
  - Support for colored output. 
  - Can be used in scripts
  - You know rust and like being able to extend your tools. 
  - You want something that can be called from
  - You want a twitter library for rust. 
  - BSD3 licensed 

Reasons not to use clit-rs:
  - Many features are still in development
  - Fewer features than [rainbowstream],
    [t], or [oysttyer]
  - You want to extend your tools in [haskell]
  - You want "twitter in a terminal" that [rainbowtools]
    or [oysttyer] provides. 

## Config

Generate a token to authorize access to your twitter account by following the guide [here](

Then place your API keys and OAuth tokens in a file (default is `$HOME/.cred`), separated by a line break:

api-key: API_KEY_HERE

Note that the labels must in the correct order, and separated from the keys with

## Installation

If you're on Linux/Windows the best way is probably to download the binaries
from the releases page [here](

Otherwise, you'll have to build from source. To build from source, install 
[cargo]( via rustup; on unix systems this is as simple as

curl -sSf | sh

Then type `cargo install clit-rs`.

## Use

### View Profiles

To get your profile, simply type:

$ tw user

To view a user's profile, type e.g.

$ tw user pinepapplesmear

If you have any problems along the way:

$ tw help

### Sending tweets

$ tw send "YOUR_TWEET_TEXT"

### Viewing your timeline

You can also use

$ tw view

to view your own timeline.

### Features
  - [x] tweet
  - [x] view timeline
  - [x] view user profiles
  - [x] output with id of tweet
  - [x] delete tweet
  - [x] retweet
  - [x] reply to tweet
  - [ ] display quoted tweets alongside

## Coloring

clit-rs respects the [CLICOLOR behavior]( defined here.
If you wish to disable colorization, 

 $ export CLICOLOR=0

## Library

A library is included. It's fairly easy to use once you have the credentials set up, with three functions: one to post a status, one to get your timeline, and one to get a user profile.

### Haskell

There is a haskell version of this, with a binary and a library, available [here]( The haskell library is more complete.