cliquers 0.3.0

Manage filesequences with a common numeric component
# Cliquers


Manage filesequences with a common numeric component in Rust.

## Usage

Using the commandline

$ cliquers --help
cliquers 0.2.0

    cliquers [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [paths]...

    -h, --help              Prints help information
    -r, --recurse           Recurse down subdirectories
    -s, --show-remainder    Print files not in a collection
    -V, --version           Prints version information

    -f, --format <format>           Optional format of filesequences, default format: "{head}{padding}{tail} [{ranges}]"
    -p, --patterns <patterns>...    Optional custom pattern for grouping collections of files, default pattern:

    <paths>...    The path to list files and filesequences under
$ cliquers /shot/task/main
/shot/task/main/render.%04d.exr [1001-1005]

$ cliquers -r /shot/task
/shot/task/main/render.%04d.exr [1001-1005]
/shot/task/foo/render.%04d.exr [1001-1005]
/shot/task/bar/render.%04d.exr [1001-1005]

$ cliquers --format "{head}####{tail}" /shot/task/main

$ cliquers --patterns "v(?P<index>(?P<padding>0*)\d+)" /shot/task/main

$ cliquers --patterns "(?P<index>(?P<padding>0*)\d+)" /shot/task/main
/shot/task/main/render.%04d.exr [1001-1005]

Using the library

use cliquers;

let files = vec![
let (collections, remainders) = cliquers.assemble(&files, None);
let c = &collections[0];

// access structure of file sequence
assert_eq!(c.head, "/shot/task/main/render.");
assert_eq!(c.tail, ".exr");
assert_eq!(c.padding, 4);
assert_eq!(c.indexes, vec![1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005]);
assert_eq!(c.format(None), "/shot/task/main/render.%04d.exr [1001-1005]");
assert_eq!(c.format(Some("{head}####{tail}")), "/shot/task/main/render.####.exr");

// iterate over files of filesequence
let mut iter = c.into_iter();
assert_eq!(, Some("/shot/task/main/render.1001.exr".to_string()));

## Documentation

## Origin

This library is a direct port of the fantastic Python module [Clique](

This is still a work in progress, so is not a complete port... yet!