clippy 0.0.74

A bunch of helpful lints to avoid common pitfalls in Rust
#![feature(test, plugin)]
#![deny(clippy, clippy_pedantic)]

extern crate compiletest_rs as compiletest;
extern crate test;

use std::env::{var, set_var, temp_dir};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use test::TestPaths;

fn dogfood() {
    let mut config = compiletest::default_config();

    let cfg_mode = "run-fail".parse().expect("Invalid mode");
    let mut s = String::new();
    s.push_str(" -L target/debug/");
    s.push_str(" -L target/debug/deps");
    s.push_str(" -Zextra-plugins=clippy -Ltarget_recur/debug -Dclippy_pedantic -Dclippy");
    config.target_rustcflags = Some(s);
    if let Ok(name) = var("TESTNAME") {
        config.filter = Some(name.to_owned())

    if cfg!(windows) {
        // work around on msvc windows
        config.build_base = temp_dir();

    config.mode = cfg_mode;

    let files = [

    for file in &files {
        let paths = TestPaths {
            base: PathBuf::new(),
            file: PathBuf::from(file),
            relative_dir: PathBuf::new(),

        set_var("CLIPPY_DOGFOOD", "tastes like chicken");

        compiletest::runtest::run(config.clone(), &paths);