clipivot 0.3.4

A command-line tool for quickly generating pivot tables.
name: "clipivot"
about: "A tool for creating pivot tables from the command line.
\nFor more information, visit"

  - ArgRequiredElseHelp

  - aggfunc:
      help: "The function you use to run across the pivot table.
      \nThe functions fit into three main categories: numeric, textual, and type-independent.
      \n- Numeric functions parse records as numbers, raising an error if it can't identify a number.
      \n\t- mean computes a mean across the matching records
      \n\t- median computes the median of the matching records
      \n\t- stddev computes the sample standard deviation of the matching records
      \n\t- sum sums the values
      \n- Textual functions parse everything as text
      \n\t- count counts all of the individual records; it operates independently from the values
      \n\t- countunique counts all of the unique records.
      \n\t- mode determines the mode (the most commonly appearing value), in insertion order in the case of a tie
      \n- Type-independent functions have a default parsing method that can be overridden with the -i or -N flags
      \n\t- max computes the maximum value. Defaults to strings (mainly for YYYYMMDD HHMMSS date formats)
      \n\t- min works identically to max but for computing the minimum value (or oldest date)
      \n\t- range computes the difference between min and max. Only works for valid numeric and date formats.
      required: true
      index: 1
        - count
        - countunique
        - max
        - mean
        - median
        - min
        - mode
        - range
        - stddev
        - sum

  - filename:
      help: The path to the delimited file you want to create a pivot table from
      index: 2

  - rows:
      help: The name of the index(es) to aggregate on. Accepts string fieldnames or 0-indexed fields.
      long: rows
      short: r
      takes_value: true
      multiple: true

  - columns:
      help: The name of the column(s) to aggregate on. Accepts string fieldnames or 0-indexed fields.
      long: cols
      short: c
      takes_value: true
      multiple: true
  - format:
      help: The format of a date field (e.g. %Y-%m-%d for dates like 2010-09-21)
      short: F
      takes_value: true
  - value:
      help: The name of the field you want to apply the aggregation function to.
      long: val
      short: v
      takes_value: true
      required: true
  - numeric:
      help: Parses the type-independent functions as numbers
      short: N
  - infer:
      help: Infers the type/date format of type-independent functions
      short: i
  - empty:
      help: Ignores empty/null values (e.g. "", NULL, NaN, etc.)
      short: e
  - noheader:
      help: Used when the CSV file does not have a header row
      long: no-header
  - delim:
      help: The delimiter used to separate fields (defaults to ',')
      short: d
      long: delim
      takes_value: true
  - tab:
      help: Fields are tab-separated (equivalent of setting delimiter to '\t')
      short: t
  - dayfirst:
      help: In ambiguous datetimes, parses the day first. See for details.
      long: day-first
  - yearfirst:
      help: In ambiguous datetimes, parses the year first. See for details.
      long: year-first
  - indexcol:
      help: Displays column names in index order (i.e. the order in which they appear)
      long: index-cols
      short: I
  - desccol:
      help: Displays the column names in descending sorted order (default is ascending)
      long: desc-cols
      short: R
  - ascrow:
      help: Displays the rows in ascending order (default is index order)
      long: asc-rows
      short: a
  - descrow:
      help: Displays the rows in descending order (defaul is index order)
      long: desc-rows
      short: D