clipboard-win 5.3.0

Provides simple way to interact with Windows clipboard.
//! This crate provide simple means to operate with Windows clipboard.
//!# Note keeping Clipboard around:
//! In Windows [Clipboard](struct.Clipboard.html) opens globally and only one application can set data onto format at the time.
//! Therefore as soon as operations are finished, user is advised to close [Clipboard](struct.Clipboard.html).
//!# Features
//! - `std` - Enables usage of `std`, including `std::error::Error` trait.
//! - `monitor` - Enables code related to clipboard monitoring.
//!# Clipboard
//! All read and write access to Windows clipboard requires user to open it.
//!# Usage
//!## Getter
//! Library provides various extractors from clipboard to particular format using [Getter](trait.Getter.html):
//! - [RawData](formats/struct.RawData.html) - Reads raw bytes from specified format.
//! - [Unicode](formats/struct.Unicode.html) - Reads unicode string from clipboard.
//! - [Bitmap](formats/struct.Bitmap.html) - Reads RGB data of image on clipboard.
//! - [FileList](formats/struct.FileList.html) - Reads list of files from clipboard.
//! Depending on format, getter can extract data into various data types.
//!## Setter
//! Library provides various setters onto clipboard by using [Setter](trait.Setter.html):
//! - [RawData](formats/struct.RawData.html) - Writes raw bytes onto specified format.
//! - [Unicode](formats/struct.Unicode.html) - Writes unicode string onto clipboard.
//! - [Bitmap](formats/struct.Bitmap.html) - Writes RGB data of image on clipboard.
//! Default setters are generic over type allowing anything that can be referenced as byte slice or
//! `str`
//!## Manually lock clipboard
//!use clipboard_win::{Clipboard, formats, Getter, Setter};
//!const SAMPLE: &str = "MY loli sample ^^";
//!let _clip = Clipboard::new_attempts(10).expect("Open clipboard");
//!formats::Unicode.write_clipboard(&SAMPLE).expect("Write sample");
//!let mut output = String::new();
//!assert_eq!(formats::Unicode.read_clipboard(&mut output).expect("Read sample"), SAMPLE.len());
//!assert_eq!(output, SAMPLE);
//!//Efficiently re-use buffer ;)
//!assert_eq!(formats::Unicode.read_clipboard(&mut output).expect("Read sample"), SAMPLE.len());
//!assert_eq!(output, SAMPLE);
//!//Or take the same string twice?
//!assert_eq!(formats::Unicode.read_clipboard(&mut output).expect("Read sample"), SAMPLE.len());
//!assert_eq!(format!("{0}{0}", SAMPLE), output);
//!## Simplified API
//!use clipboard_win::{formats, get_clipboard, set_clipboard};
//!let text = "my sample ><";
//!set_clipboard(formats::Unicode, text).expect("To set clipboard");
//!//Type is necessary as string can be stored in various storages
//!let result: String = get_clipboard(formats::Unicode).expect("To set clipboard");
//!assert_eq!(result, text)

#![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::style))]

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
extern crate std;

extern crate alloc;

mod sys;
pub mod types;
pub mod formats;
pub use formats::Format;
mod html;
pub mod raw;
#[cfg(feature = "monitor")]
pub mod monitor;
#[cfg(feature = "monitor")]
pub use monitor::Monitor;
pub(crate) mod utils;

pub use raw::{get_owner, empty, seq_num, size, is_format_avail, register_format, count_formats, EnumFormats};
pub use formats::Unicode;

pub use error_code::ErrorCode;
///Alias to result used by this crate
pub type SysResult<T> = Result<T, ErrorCode>;

///Clipboard instance, which allows to perform clipboard ops.
///# Note:
///You can have only one such instance across your program.
///# Warning:
///In Windows Clipboard opens globally and only one application can set data
///onto format at the time.
///Therefore as soon as operations are finished, user is advised to close Clipboard.
pub struct Clipboard {
    _dummy: ()

impl Clipboard {
    ///Attempts to open clipboard, returning clipboard instance on success.
    pub fn new() -> SysResult<Self> {
        raw::open().map(|_| Self { _dummy: () })

    ///Attempts to open clipboard, associating it with specified `owner` and returning clipboard instance on success.
    pub fn new_for(owner: types::HWND) -> SysResult<Self> {
        raw::open_for(owner).map(|_| Self { _dummy: () })

    ///Attempts to open clipboard, giving it `num` retries in case of failure.
    pub fn new_attempts(num: usize) -> SysResult<Self> {
        Self::new_attempts_for(core::ptr::null_mut(), num)

    ///Attempts to open clipboard, giving it `num` retries in case of failure.
    pub fn new_attempts_for(owner: types::HWND, mut num: usize) -> SysResult<Self> {
        loop {
            match Self::new_for(owner) {
                Ok(this) => break Ok(this),
                Err(err) => match num {
                    0 => break Err(err),
                    _ => num -= 1,

            //0 causes to yield remaining time in scheduler, but remain to be scheduled once again.
            unsafe { sys::Sleep(0) };

impl Drop for Clipboard {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let _ = raw::close();

///Describes format getter, specifying data type as type param
///Default implementations only perform write, without opening/closing clipboard
pub trait Getter<Type> {
    ///Reads content of clipboard into `out`, returning number of bytes read on success, or otherwise 0.
    fn read_clipboard(&self, out: &mut Type) -> SysResult<usize>;

///Describes format setter, specifying data type as type param
///Default implementations only perform write, without opening/closing clipboard
pub trait Setter<Type: ?Sized> {
    ///Writes content of `data` onto clipboard, returning whether it was successful or not
    fn write_clipboard(&self, data: &Type) -> SysResult<()>;

///Runs provided callable with open clipboard, returning whether clipboard was open successfully.
///If clipboard fails to open, callable is not invoked.
pub fn with_clipboard<F: FnMut()>(mut cb: F) -> SysResult<()> {
    let _clip = Clipboard::new()?;

///Runs provided callable with open clipboard, returning whether clipboard was open successfully.
///If clipboard fails to open, attempts `num` number of retries before giving up.
///In which case closure is not called
pub fn with_clipboard_attempts<F: FnMut()>(num: usize, mut cb: F) -> SysResult<()> {
    let _clip = Clipboard::new_attempts(num)?;

///Retrieve data from clipboard.
pub fn get<R: Default, T: Getter<R>>(format: T) -> SysResult<R> {
    let mut result = R::default();
    format.read_clipboard(&mut result).map(|_| result)

///Shortcut to retrieve data from clipboard.
///It opens clipboard and gets output, if possible.
pub fn get_clipboard<R: Default, T: Getter<R>>(format: T) -> SysResult<R> {
    let _clip = Clipboard::new_attempts(10)?;

///Set data onto clipboard.
pub fn set<R, T: Setter<R>>(format: T, data: R) -> SysResult<()> {

///Shortcut to set data onto clipboard.
///It opens clipboard and attempts to set data.
pub fn set_clipboard<R, T: Setter<R>>(format: T, data: R) -> SysResult<()> {
    let _clip = Clipboard::new_attempts(10)?;
    set(format, data)

///Shortcut to retrieve string from clipboard.
///It opens clipboard and gets string, if possible.
pub fn get_clipboard_string() -> SysResult<alloc::string::String> {

///Shortcut to set string onto clipboard.
///It opens clipboard and attempts to set string.
pub fn set_clipboard_string(data: &str) -> SysResult<()> {
    set_clipboard(Unicode, data)