Type Alias clingo_sys::clingo_location_t

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pub type clingo_location_t = clingo_location;
Expand description

! Represents a source code location marking its beginnig and end. ! ! @note Not all locations refer to physical files. ! By convention, such locations use a name put in angular brackets as filename. ! The string members of a location object are internalized and valid for the duration of the process.

Aliased Type§

struct clingo_location_t {
    pub begin_file: *const i8,
    pub end_file: *const i8,
    pub begin_line: usize,
    pub end_line: usize,
    pub begin_column: usize,
    pub end_column: usize,


§begin_file: *const i8

!< the file where the location begins

§end_file: *const i8

!< the file where the location ends

§begin_line: usize

!< the line where the location begins

§end_line: usize

!< the line where the location ends

§begin_column: usize

!< the column where the location begins

§end_column: usize

!< the column where the location ends