cli-table 0.3.1

A crate for printing tables on command line

CLI Table

Continuous Integration Documentation License

Rust crate for printing tables on command line.


Add cli-table in your Cargo.toms's dependencies section

cli-table = "0.3"

Each cell in a Table can be formatted using CellFormat. CellFormat can be easily created like this:

// Justifies contents of a cell to right
let justify_right = CellFormat::builder().justify(Justify::Right).build();

// Makes contents of a cell bold
let bold = CellFormat::builder().bold(true).build();

Table can be formatted using TableFormat. It is very easy to create a custom table format, but for simplicity, this crate provides a few predefined TableFormats:

  • BORDER_COLUMN_TITLE: Format with borders, column separators and row separators (calling Default::default() on TableFormat also returns this format)
  • BORDER_COLUMN_NO_ROW: Format with borders and column separators (without row separators)
  • BORDER_COLUMN_TITLE: Format with borders, column separators and title separator (without row separators)
  • BORDER_NO_COLUMN_ROW: Format with borders and row separators (without column separators)
  • NO_BORDER_COLUMN_ROW: Format with no borders, column separators and row separators
  • NO_BORDER_COLUMN_TITLE: Format with no borders, column separators and title separator (without row separators)

To create a table, you can use Table::new() like this:

let table = Table::new(
            Cell::new(&format!("Name"), bold),
            Cell::new("Age (in years)", bold),
            Cell::new("Tom", Default::default()),
            Cell::new("10", justify_right),
            Cell::new("Jerry", Default::default()),
            Cell::new("15", justify_right),
            Cell::new("Scooby Doo", Default::default()),
            Cell::new("25", justify_right),

To print this table on stdout, you can call table.print_stdout().

Below is the output of the table we created just now:

| Name       | Age (in years) |  <-- This row will appear in bold
| Tom        |             10 |
| Jerry      |             15 |
| Scooby Doo |             25 |


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