cld2-sys 1.0.1

Unsafe, low-level wrapper for cld2 language detection library

name = "cld2-sys"
version = "1.0.1"
authors = ["Eric Kidd <>"]
links = "cld2"
build = ""

description = "Unsafe, low-level wrapper for cld2 language detection library"
license = "Unlicense/Apache-2.0"

documentation = ""
repository = ""

# We need to strip the cld2 source tree down dramatically to fit it in a
# 10MB Rust package.  We start upstream, by remove a large unit-test data
# file and stripping line comments out of the generated files.  Then we
# strip out the docs directory, our own table-stripping script, plus a list
# of source files that we're not actually building.
# The command used to generate the list of unused *.cc files below looked
# something like this:
# diff <(cat ../../built_sources.txt | sort) \
#      <(ls *.cc | sort) | grep '>' | sed 's/^> //'
# If we were feeling ambitious, we could modify to parse this
# list using a toml parser, compare it against the source directly, and
# generate a list of files to compile.
exclude = [


libc = "0.2.2"

gcc = "0.3.38"
toml = "0.1.23"
regex = "0.1.41"