claxon 0.3.1

A FLAC decoding library


A FLAC decoding library in Rust.

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Many media players crash on corrupted input (not FLAC in particular). This is bad, the decoder should signal an error on invalid input, it should not crash. I suspect that this is partly due to the fact that most decoders are written in C. I thought I'd try and write a decoder in a safe language: Rust. Video codecs can be quite complex, and nowadays CPU decoding is not all that common any more. Therefore, I decided to first try and write a decoder for an audio codec that I love and use on a daily basis: FLAC.


The following example computes the root mean square (RMS) of a FLAC file:

let mut reader = claxon::FlacReader::open("testsamples/pop.flac").unwrap();
let mut sqr_sum = 0.0;
let mut count = 0;
for sample in reader.samples() {
    let s = sample.unwrap() as f64;
    sqr_sum += s * s;
    count += 1;
println!("RMS is {}", (sqr_sum / count as f64).sqrt());

More examples can be found in the examples directory. For a simple example of decoding a FLAC file to wav with Claxon and Hound, see A more efficient way of decoding requires dealing with a few details of the FLAC format. See for an example.


These are the times to decode 5 real-world FLAC files to wav, average and standard deviation of 11 runs, normalized to version 1.3.2 of the reference implementation. Measurements were done on a Skylake i7.

Decoder Time / reference
Claxon 1.13 ± 0.03
libflac 1.00 ± 0.03


Claxon is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. It may be used in free software as well as closed-source applications, both for commercial and non-commercial use under the conditions given in the license. If you want to use Claxon in your GPLv2-licensed software, you can add an exception to your copyright notice. Please do not open an issue if you disagree with the choice of license.