Trait claxon::sample::Sample [] [src]

pub trait Sample: Copy + Clone + Debug + Eq + Sum {
    type Wide: WideSample;
    fn from_wide(wide: Self::Wide) -> Option<Self>;
    fn zero() -> Self;

A trait that allows decoding into integers of various widths.

A few observations are important here:

  • In the FLAC format, samples are always signed.
  • FLAC does not support more than 32 bits per sample. Therefore, converting a sample to i32 or i64 can never fail.

This trait should only be implemented for i8, i16 and i32.

Associated Types

The signed integer type that is wide enough to store differences.

The difference between two values of the sample type might not fit in a sample type any more, so a wider integer type is required. The wide type must be able to store at least twice a difference, so it must be two bits wider than the sample type itself.

Required Methods

Tries to narrow the sample, returning None on overflow.

Returns 0.
