claws 0.8.0

AWS command line tool
claws-0.8.0 is not a library.


AWS command-line tool. The purpose of this tool is not to be a complete replacement for awscli, but rather to provide a more convenient interface for some common commands.


cargo install claws


Currently just a couple commands are implemented.


List instances:

claws ec2 instances

Get instance IP addresses:

claws ec2 addr <instance-id>

Start, stop, or reboot an instance:

claws ec2 start <instance-id>
claws ec2 stop <instance-id>
claws ec2 reboot <instance-id>

CloudWatch Logs

List log groups:

claws logs groups [<prefix>]

List recent streams in a group:

claws logs recent-streams [--limit <n>] <log-group-name>


List buckets:

claws s3 buckets