classreader 0.1.0

A Rust library that parses class files that conform to the Java Virtual Machine Specification.


Parses the class file format that is used by the Java Virtual Machine version 8.


extern crate classreader;

use classreader::ClassReader;
use std::fs::File;

pub fn main() {
    let mut file = File::open("pkg/Test.class").unwrap();
    let class = ClassReader::new_from_reader(file).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(0xCAFEBABE, class.magic);

classreader uses the log crate to emit some log messages. They are mainly useful for low level debugging.


Parses the whole rt.jar of OpenJDK 8 without issue. Code is not yet decoded. Apart from that, everything is parsed into suitable data structures.


Strings from a class file's constant pool are currently parsed into a Rust String. It seems that class files may contain code points for surrogate pairs. These are invalid for UTF-8 encoded strings which is what Rust uses. So whenever such a code point is decoded, it is replaced by the Unicode Replacement Character U+FFFD. This happens rarely but it does happen. A log message with info level is emitted.


Apache License Version 2. See LICENSE for the text.