clarabel 0.3.0

Clarabel Conic Interior Point Solver for Rust / Python
use super::{Cone, JordanAlgebra, SymmetricCone, SymmetricConeUtils};
use crate::{
    solver::{core::ScalingStrategy, CoreSettings},

// -------------------------------------
// Second order Cone
// -------------------------------------

pub struct SecondOrderCone<T: FloatT = f64> {
    dim: usize,
    //internal working variables for W and its products
    w: Vec<T>,
    //scaled version of (s,z)
    λ: Vec<T>,
    //vectors for rank 2 update representation of W^2
    pub u: Vec<T>,
    pub v: Vec<T>,
    //additional scalar terms for rank-2 rep
    d: T,
    pub η: T,

impl<T> SecondOrderCone<T>
    T: FloatT,
    pub fn new(dim: usize) -> Self {
        assert!(dim >= 2);
        Self {
            w: vec![T::zero(); dim],
            λ: vec![T::zero(); dim],
            u: vec![T::zero(); dim],
            v: vec![T::zero(); dim],
            d: T::one(),
            η: T::zero(),

impl<T> Cone<T> for SecondOrderCone<T>
    T: FloatT,
    fn dim(&self) -> usize {

    fn degree(&self) -> usize {
        // degree = 1 for SOC, since e'*e = 1

    fn numel(&self) -> usize {

    fn is_symmetric(&self) -> bool {

    fn rectify_equilibration(&self, δ: &mut [T], e: &[T]) -> bool {

        true // scalar equilibration

    fn shift_to_cone(&self, z: &mut [T]) {
        z[0] = T::max(z[0], T::zero());

        let α = _soc_residual(z);

        if α < T::sqrt(T::epsilon()) {
            //done in two stages since otherwise (1.-α) = -α for
            //large α, which makes z exactly 0.0 (or worse, -0.0 )
            z[0] -= α;
            z[0] += T::one();

    fn unit_initialization(&self, z: &mut [T], s: &mut [T]) {
        self.add_scaled_e(z, T::one());
        self.add_scaled_e(s, T::one());

    fn set_identity_scaling(&mut self) {
        self.d = T::one();
        self.η = T::one();

    fn update_scaling(&mut self, s: &[T], z: &[T], : T, _scaling_strategy: ScalingStrategy) {
        let zscale = T::sqrt(_soc_residual(z));
        let sscale = T::sqrt(_soc_residual(s));

        let two = (2.0).as_T();
        let half = (0.5).as_T();

        let gamma = T::sqrt((T::one() + / (zscale * sscale)) * half);

        let w = &mut self.w;
        w.scale(T::recip(two * sscale * gamma));
        w[0] += z[0] / (two * zscale * gamma);
        w[1..].axpby(-T::recip(two * zscale * gamma), &z[1..], T::one());

        //intermediate calcs for u,v,d,η
        let w0p1 = w[0] + T::one();
        let w1sq = w[1..].sumsq();
        let w0sq = w[0] * w[0];
        let α = w0p1 + w1sq / w0p1;
        let β = T::one() + two / w0p1 + w1sq / (w0p1 * w0p1);

        //Scalar d is the upper LH corner of the diagonal
        //term in the rank-2 update form of W^TW
        self.d = w0sq / two + w1sq / two * (T::one() - (α * α) / (T::one() + w1sq * β));

        //the leading scalar term for W^TW
        self.η = T::sqrt(sscale / zscale);

        //the vectors for the rank two update
        //representation of W^TW
        let u0 = T::sqrt(w0sq + w1sq - self.d);
        let u1 = α / u0;
        let v0 = T::zero();
        let v1 = T::sqrt(u1 * u1 - β);
        self.u[0] = u0;
        self.u[1..].axpby(u1, &self.w[1..], T::zero());
        self.v[0] = v0;
        self.v[1..].axpby(v1, &self.w[1..], T::zero());

        //λ = Wz.  Use inner function here because can't
        //borrow self and self.λ at the same time
        _soc_mul_W_inner(&mut self.λ, z, T::one(), T::zero(), &self.w, self.η);

    fn Hs_is_diagonal(&self) -> bool {

    fn get_Hs(&self, Hsblock: &mut [T]) {
        //NB: we are returning here the diagonal D block from the
        //sparse representation of W^TW, but not the
        //extra two entries at the bottom right of the block.
        Hsblock.fill(self.η * self.η);
        Hsblock[0] *= self.d;

    fn mul_Hs(&self, y: &mut [T], x: &[T], work: &mut [T]) {
        self.mul_W(MatrixShape::N, work, x, T::one(), T::zero()); // work = Wx
        self.mul_W(MatrixShape::T, y, work, T::one(), T::zero()); // y = c Wᵀwork = W^TWx

    fn affine_ds(&self, ds: &mut [T], _s: &[T]) {
        self.circ_op(ds, &self.λ, &self.λ);

    fn combined_ds_shift(&mut self, shift: &mut [T], step_z: &mut [T], step_s: &mut [T], σμ: T) {
        self._combined_ds_shift_symmetric(shift, step_z, step_s, σμ);

    fn Δs_from_Δz_offset(&self, out: &mut [T], ds: &[T], work: &mut [T]) {
        self._Δs_from_Δz_offset_symmetric(out, ds, work);

    fn step_length(
        dz: &[T],
        ds: &[T],
        z: &[T],
        s: &[T],
        _settings: &CoreSettings<T>,
        αmax: T,
    ) -> (T, T) {
        let αz = _step_length_soc_component(z, dz, αmax);
        let αs = _step_length_soc_component(s, ds, αmax);

        (αz, αs)

    fn compute_barrier(&self, z: &[T], s: &[T], dz: &[T], ds: &[T], α: T) -> T {
        let res_s = _soc_residual_shifted(s, ds, α);
        let res_z = _soc_residual_shifted(z, dz, α);

        // avoid numerical issue if res_s <= 0 or res_z <= 0
        if res_s > T::zero() && res_z > T::zero() {
            -(res_s * res_z).logsafe() * (0.5).as_T()
        } else {

// ---------------------------------------------
// operations supported by symmetric cones only
// ---------------------------------------------

impl<T> SymmetricCone<T> for SecondOrderCone<T>
    T: FloatT,
    fn λ_inv_circ_op(&self, x: &mut [T], z: &[T]) {
        self.inv_circ_op(x, &self.λ, z);

    fn add_scaled_e(&self, x: &mut [T], α: T) {
        //e is (1,0.0..0)
        x[0] += α;

    fn mul_W(&self, _is_transpose: MatrixShape, y: &mut [T], x: &[T], α: T, β: T) {
        // symmetric, so ignore transpose
        _soc_mul_W_inner(y, x, α, β, &self.w, self.η);

    fn mul_Winv(&self, _is_transpose: MatrixShape, y: &mut [T], x: &[T], α: T, β: T) {
        _soc_mul_Winv_inner(y, x, α, β, &self.w, self.η);

// ---------------------------------------------
// Jordan algebra operations for symmetric cones
// ---------------------------------------------

impl<T> JordanAlgebra<T> for SecondOrderCone<T>
    T: FloatT,
    fn circ_op(&self, x: &mut [T], y: &[T], z: &[T]) {
        x[0] =;
        let (y0, z0) = (y[0], z[0]);
        x[1..].waxpby(y0, &z[1..], z0, &y[1..]);

    fn inv_circ_op(&self, x: &mut [T], y: &[T], z: &[T]) {
        let p = _soc_residual(y);
        let pinv = T::recip(p);
        let v = y[1..].dot(&z[1..]);

        x[0] = (y[0] * z[0] - v) * pinv;

        let c1 = pinv * (v / y[0] - z[0]);
        let c2 = T::recip(y[0]);
        x[1..].waxpby(c1, &y[1..], c2, &z[1..]);

// ---------------------------------------------
// internal operations for second order cones
// ---------------------------------------------

fn _soc_residual<T>(z: &[T]) -> T
    T: FloatT,
    let (z1, z2) = (z[0], &z[1..]);
    z1 * z1 - z2.sumsq()

// compute the residual at z + \alpha dz
// without storing the intermediate vector
fn _soc_residual_shifted<T>(z: &[T], dz: &[T], α: T) -> T
    T: FloatT,
    let sc = z[0] + α * dz[0];
    let vpart = <[T] as VectorMath<T>>::dot_shifted(&z[1..], &z[1..], &dz[1..], &dz[1..], α);

    sc * sc - vpart

// find the maximum step length α≥0 so that
// x + αy stays in the SOC
fn _step_length_soc_component<T>(x: &[T], y: &[T], αmax: T) -> T
    T: FloatT,
    // assume that x is in the SOC, and find the minimum positive root
    // of the quadratic equation:  ||x₁+αy₁||^2 = (x₀ + αy₀)^2

    let two: T = (2.).as_T();
    let four: T = (4.).as_T();

    let a = _soc_residual(y);
    let b = two * (x[0] * y[0] - x[1..].dot(&y[1..]));
    let c = _soc_residual(x); //should be ≥0
    let d = b * b - four * a * c;

    if c < T::zero() {
        panic!("starting point of line search not in SOC");

    #[allow(clippy::if_same_then_else)] // allows explanation of separate cases
    if (a > T::zero() && b > T::zero()) || d < T::zero() {
        //all negative roots / complex root pair
        //-> infinite step length
        return αmax;
    } else if a == T::zero() {
        // edge case with only one root.  This corresponds to
        // the case where the search direction is exactly on the
        // cone boundary.   The root should be -c/b, but b can't
        // be negative since both (x,y) are in the cone and it is
        // self dual, so <x,y> \ge 0 necessarily.
        return αmax;
    } else if c == T::zero() {
        // Edge case with one of the roots at 0.   This corresponds
        // to the case where the initial point is exactly on the
        // cone boundary.  The other root is -b/a.   If the search
        // direction is in the cone, then a >= 0 and b can't be
        // negative due to self-duality.  If a < 0, then the
        // direction is outside the cone and b can't be positive.
        // Either way, step length is determined by whether or not
        // the search direction is in the cone.
        return if a >= T::zero() { αmax } else { T::zero() };

    // if we got this far then we need to calculate a pair
    // of real roots and choose the smallest positive one.
    // We need to be cautious about cancellations though.
    // See §1.4: Goldberg, ACM Computing Surveys, 1991

    let t = {
        if b >= T::zero() {
            -b - T::sqrt(d)
        } else {
            -b + T::sqrt(d)

    let r1: T = (two * c) / t;
    let r2: T = t / (two * a);

    // return the minimum positive root, up to αmax
    let r1 = if r1 < T::zero() { T::infinity() } else { r1 };
    let r2 = if r2 < T::zero() { T::infinity() } else { r2 };

    T::min(αmax, T::min(r1, r2))

// Must move the actual implementations of W*x to an outside
// fcn.  The operation λ = Wz produces a borrow conflict
// otherwise because λ is part of the cone's internal data
// and we can't borrow self and &mut λ at the same time.

fn _soc_mul_W_inner<T>(y: &mut [T], x: &[T], α: T, β: T, w: &[T], η: T)
    T: FloatT,
    // use the fast product method from ECOS ECC paper
    let ζ = w[1..].dot(&x[1..]);
    let c = x[0] + ζ / (T::one() + w[0]);

    y[0] = (α * η) * (w[0] * x[0] + ζ) + β * y[0];

    y[1..].axpby(α * η * c, &w[1..], β);
    y[1..].axpby(α * η, &x[1..], T::one());

fn _soc_mul_Winv_inner<T>(y: &mut [T], x: &[T], α: T, β: T, w: &[T], η: T)
    T: FloatT,
    // use the fast inverse product method from ECOS ECC paper
    let ζ = w[1..].dot(&x[1..]);
    let c = -x[0] + ζ / (T::one() + w[0]);

    y[0] = (α / η) * (w[0] * x[0] - ζ) + β * y[0];

    y[1..].axpby(α / η * c, &w[1..], β);
    y[1..].axpby(α / η, &x[1..], T::one());