clap 4.1.0

A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
use clap::{arg, command, value_parser, ArgAction};

fn main() {
    let matches = command!() // requires `cargo` feature
        .arg(arg!(eff: -f).action(ArgAction::SetTrue))
        .arg(arg!(pea: -p <PEAR>).value_parser(value_parser!(String)))
            // Indicates that `slop` is only accessible after `--`.
            arg!(slop: [SLOP])

    // This is what will happen with `myprog -f -p=bob -- sloppy slop slop`...

    // -f used: true
    println!("-f used: {:?}", matches.get_flag("eff"));
    // -p's value: Some("bob")
    println!("-p's value: {:?}", matches.get_one::<String>("pea"));
    // 'slops' values: Some(["sloppy", "slop", "slop"])
        "'slops' values: {:?}",
            .map(|vals| vals.collect::<Vec<_>>())

    // Continued program logic goes here...