clap 2.16.3

A simple to use, efficient, and full featured Command Line Argument Parser
<a name="v2.16.3"></a>
### v2.16.3 (2016-10-28)

#### Bug Fixes

*   Derive display order after propagation ([9cb6facf], closes [#706]
* **yaml-example:**  inconsistent args ([847f7199]

<a name="v2.15.1"></a>
### v2.16.2 (2016-10-25)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Fish Completions:**  fixes a bug where single quotes are not escaped ([780b4a18], closes [#704]

<a name="v2.16.1"></a>
### v2.16.1 (2016-10-24)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Help Message:**  fixes a regression bug where args with multiple(true) threw off alignment ([ebddac79], closes [#702]

<a name="v2.16.0"></a>
## v2.16.0 (2016-10-23)

#### Features

* **Completions:**  adds ZSH completion support ([3e36b0ba], closes [#699]

<a name="v2.15.0"></a>
## v2.15.0 (2016-10-21)

#### Features

* **AppSettings:**  adds new setting `AppSettings::AllowNegativeNumbers` ([ab064546], closes [#696]

#### Documentation

* **app/**  moves variants to roughly alphabetical order ([9ed4d4d7]

<a name="v2.14.1"></a>
### v2.14.1 (2016-10-20)

#### Documentation

*   Improve documentation around features ([4ee85b95]
*   reword docs for ErrorKind and app::Settings ([3ccde7a4]
*   fix tests that fail when the "suggestions" feature is disabled ([996fc381]
*   fix the OsString-using doc-tests ([af9e1a39]
*   tag non-rust code blocks as such instead of ignoring them ([0ba9f4b1]
* **ErrorKind:**  improve some errors about subcommands ([9f6217a4]
* **yaml:**  make sure the doc-tests don't fail before "missing file" ([8c0f5551]

#### Improvements

*   Stabilize clap_app! ([cd516006]
* **with_defaults:**  Deprecate App::with_defaults() ([26085409], closes [#638]

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes a bug that made determining when to auto-wrap long help messages inconsistent ([468baadb], closes [#688]
* **Completions:**  fish completions for nested subcommands ([a61eaf8a]
* **features:**  Make lints not enable other nightly-requiring features ([835f75e3]

<a name="v2.14.0"></a>
## v2.14.0 (2016-10-05)

#### Features

* **arg_aliases:**  Ability to alias arguments ([33b5f6ef], closes [#669]
* **flag_aliases:**  Ability to alias flags ([40d6dac9]

#### Bug Fixes

* **UsageParser:**  Handle non-ascii names / options. ([1d6a7c6e], closes [#664]

#### Documentation

*   typo ([bac417fa]

<a name="v2.13.0"></a>
## v2.13.0 (2016-09-18)

#### Documentation

*   updates with new website information and updated video tutorials info ([0c19c580]
*   updates the docs about removing implicit value_delimiter(true) ([c81bc722]
* **Default Values:**  adds better examples on using default values ([57a8d9ab], closes [#418]

#### Bug Fixes

* **Value Delimiters:**  fixes the confusion around implicitly setting value delimiters. (default is now `false`) ([09d4d0a9], closes [#666]

<a name="v2.12.1"></a>
### v2.12.1 (2016-09-13)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Help Wrapping:**  fixes a regression-bug where the old {n} newline char stopped working ([92ac353b], closes [#661]

<a name="v2.12.0"></a>
## v2.12.0 (2016-09-13)

#### Features

* **Help:**  adds ability to hide the possible values on a per argument basis ([9151ef73], closes [#640]
* **help:**  allow for limiting detected terminal width ([a43e28af], closes [#653]

#### Documentation

* **Help Wrapping:**  removes the verbage about using `'{n}'` to insert newlines in help text ([c5a2b352]
* **Value Delimiters:**  updates the docs for the Arg::multiple method WRT value delimiters and default settings ([f9d17a06]
* **appsettings:**  Document AppSetting::DisableVersion ([94501965], closes [#589]

#### Bug Fixes

* **AllowLeadingHyphen:**  fixes a bug where valid args aren't recognized with this setting ([a9699e4d], closes [#588]

#### Improvements

* **Help Wrapping:**
  *  clap now ignores hard newlines in help messages and properly re-aligns text, but still wraps if the term width is too small ([c7678523], closes [#617]
  *  makes some minor changes to when next line help is automatically used ([01cae799]
* **Value Delimiters:**  changes the default value delimiter rules ([f9e69254], closes [#655]
* **YAML:**  supports setting Arg::require_delimiter from YAML ([b9b55a39]

#### Performance

* **help:**  fix redundant contains() checks ([a8afed74]

<a name="v2.11.3"></a>
### v2.11.3 (2016-09-07)

#### Documentation

* **Help Wrapping:**  removes the verbage about using `'{n}'` to insert newlines in help text ([c5a2b352]

#### Improvements

* **Help Wrapping:**
  *  clap now ignores hard newlines in help messages and properly re-aligns text, but still wraps if the term width is too small ([c7678523], closes [#617]
  *  makes some minor changes to when next line help is automatically used ([01cae799]
* **YAML:**  supports setting Arg::require_delimiter from YAML ([b9b55a39]

<a name="v2.11.2"></a>
### v2.11.2 (2016-09-06)

#### Improvements

* **Help Wrapping:**  makes some minor changes to when next line help is automatically used ([5658b117]

<a name="v2.11.1"></a>
### v2.11.1 (2016-09-05)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Settings:**  fixes an issue where settings weren't propogated down through grand-child subcommands ([b3efc107], closes [#638]

#### Features

* **Errors:**  Errors with custom description ([58512f2f]

#### Improvements

* **help:**  use term_size instead of home-grown solution ([fc7327e9]

<a name="v2.11.0"></a>
### v2.11.0 (2016-08-28)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Groups:**  fixes some usage strings that contain both args in groups and ones that conflict with each other ([3d782def], closes [#616]

#### Documentation

*   moves docs to ([03209d5e], closes [#634]

#### Improvements

* **Completions:**  uses standard conventions for bash completion files, namely '{bin}.bash-completion' ([27f5bbfb], closes [#567]
* **Help:**  automatically moves help text to the next line and wraps when term width is determined to be too small, or help text is too long ([150964c4], closes [#597]
* **YAML Errors:**  vastly improves error messages when using YAML ([f43b7c65], closes [#574]

#### Features

*   adds App::with_defaults to automatically use crate_authors! and crate_version! macros ([5520bb01], closes [#600]

<a name="v2.10.4"></a>
### v2.10.4 (2016-08-25)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Help Wrapping:**  fixes a bug where help is wrapped incorrectly and causing a panic with some non-English characters ([d0b442c7], closes [#626]

<a name="v2.10.3"></a>
### v2.10.3 (2016-08-25)

#### Features

* **Help:**  adds new short hand way to use source formatting and ignore term width in help messages ([7dfdaf20], closes [#625]

#### Documentation

* **Term Width:**  adds details about set_term_width(0) ([00b8205d]

#### Bug Fixes

* **Unicode:**  fixes two bugs where non-English characters were stripped or caused a panic with help wrapping ([763a5c92], closes [#626]

<a name="v2.10.2"></a>
### v2.10.2 (2016-08-22)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes a bug where the help is printed twice ([a643fb28], closes [#623]

<a name="v2.10.1"></a>
### v2.10.1 (2016-08-21)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Help Subcommand:**  fixes misleading usage string when using multi-level subcommmands ([e203515e], closes [#618]

#### Features

* **YAML:**  allows using lists or single values with arg declarations ([9ade2cd4], closes [#614], [#613]

<a name="v2.10.0"></a>
## v2.10.0 (2016-07-29)

#### Features

* **Completions:**  one can generate a basic fish completions script at compile time ([1979d2f2]

#### Bug Fixes

* **parser:**  preserve external subcommand name ([875df243]

#### Breaking Changes

* **parser:**  preserve external subcommand name ([875df243]

#### Documentation

* **YAML:**  fixes example 17's incorrect reference to arg_groups instead of groups ([b6c99e13], closes [#601]

<a name="2.9.3"></a>
### 2.9.3 (2016-07-24)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes bug where only first arg in list of required_unless_one is recognized ([1fc3b55b], closes [#575]
* **Settings:**  fixes typo subcommandsrequired->subcommandrequired ([fc72cdf5], closes [#593]

#### Features

* **Completions:**  adds the ability to generate completions to io::Write object ([9f62cf73]
* **Settings:**  Add unset_setting and unset_settings fns to App (#598) ([0ceba231], closes [#590]

<a name="2.9.2"></a>
### 2.9.2 (2016-07-03)

#### Documentation

* **Completions:**  fixes the formatting of the Cargo.toml excerpt in the completions example ([722f2607]

#### Bug Fixes

* **Completions:**  fixes bug where --help and --version short weren't added to the completion list ([e9f2438e], closes [#536]

<a name="2.9.1"></a>
### 2.9.1 (2016-07-02)

#### Improvements

* **Completions:**  allows multiple completions to be built by namespacing with bin name ([57484b2d]

<a name="v2.9.0"></a>
## v2.9.0 (2016-07-01)

#### Documentation

* **Completions:**
  *  fixes some errors in the completion docs ([9b359bf0]
  *  adds documentation for completion scripts ([c6c519e4]

#### Features

* **Completions:**
  *  one can now generate a bash completions script at compile time! ([e75b6c7b], closes [#376]
  *  completions now include aliases to subcommands, including all subcommand options ([0ab9f840], closes [#556]
  *  completions now continue completing even after first completion ([18fc2e5b]
  *  allows matching on possible values in options ([89cc2026], closes [#557]

#### Bug Fixes

* **AllowLeadingHyphen:**  fixes an issue where  isn't ignored like it should be with this setting ([96c24c9a], closes [#558]

<a name="v2.8.0"></a>
## v2.8.0 (2016-06-30)

#### Features

* **Arg:**  adds new setting `Arg::require_delimiter` which requires val delimiter to parse multiple values ([920b5595]

#### Bug Fixes

*   Declare term::Winsize as repr(C) ([5d663d90]

#### Documentation

* **Arg:**  adds docs for ([49af4e38]

<a name="v2.7.1"></a>
### v2.7.1 (2016-06-29)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Options:**
  *  options with multiple values and using delimiters no longer parse additional values after a trailing space ([cdc500bd]
  *  using options with multiple values and with an = no longer parse args after the trailing space as values ([290f61d0]

<a name="v2.7.0"></a>
## v2.7.0 (2016-06-28)

#### Documentation

*   fix typos ([43b3d40b]
* **ArgGroup:**  vastly improves ArgGroup docs by adding better examples ([9e5f4f5d], closes [#534]

#### Features

* **ArgGroup:**  one can now specify groups which require AT LEAST one of the args ([33689acc], closes [#533]

#### Bug Fixes

* **App:**  using `App::print_help` now prints the same as would have been printed by `--help` or the like ([e84cc018], closes [#536]
* **Help:**
  *  prevents invoking <cmd> help help and displaying incorrect help message ([e3d2893f], closes [#538]
  *  subcommand help messages requested via <cmd> help <sub> now correctly match <cmd> <sub> --help ([08ad1cff], closes [#539]

#### Improvements

* **ArgGroup:**  Add multiple ArgGroups per Arg ([902e182f], closes [#426]
* **Usage Strings:**  `[FLAGS]` and `[ARGS]` are no longer blindly added to usage strings ([9b2e45b1], closes [#537]
* **arg_enum!:**  allows using meta items like repr(C) with arg_enum!s ([edf9b233], closes [#543]

<a name="v2.6.0"></a>
## v2.6.0 (2016-06-14)

#### Improvements

*   removes extra newline from help output ([86e61d19]
*   allows printing version to any io::Write object ([921f5f79]
*   removes extra newline when printing version ([7e2e2cbb]
* **Aliases:**  improves readability of asliases in help messages ([ca511de7], closes [#526], [#529]
* **Usage Strings:**  improves the default usage string when only a single positional arg is present ([ec86f2da], closes [#518]

#### Features

* **Help:**  allows wrapping at specified term width (Even on Windows!) ([1761dc0d], closes [#451]
* **Settings:**
  *  adds new setting to stop delimiting values with -- or TrailingVarArg ([fc3e0f5a], closes [#511]
  *  one can now set an AppSetting which is propogated down through child subcommands ([e2341835], closes [#519]
* **Subcommands:**  adds support for visible aliases ([7b10e7f8], closes [#522]

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes bug where args are printed out of order with templates ([05abb534]
*   fixes bug where one can't override version or help flags ([90d7d6a2], closes [#514]
*   fixes issue where before_help wasn't printed ([b3faff60]
* **Help:**  `App::before_help` and `App::after_help` now correctly wrap ([1f4da767], closes [#516]
* **Settings:**  fixes bug where new color settings couldn't be converted from strs ([706a7c11]
* **Subcommands:**  subcommands with aliases now display help of the aliased subcommand ([5354d14b], closes [#521]
* **Windows:**  fixes a failing windows build ([01e7dfd6]
* **YAML:**  adds missing YAML methods for App and Arg ([e468faf3], closes [#528]

<a name="v2.5.2"></a>
### v2.5.2 (2016-05-31)

#### Improvements

*   removes extra newline from help output ([86e61d19]
*   allows printing version to any io::Write object ([921f5f79]
*   removes extra newline when printing version ([7e2e2cbb]

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes bug where args are printed out of order with templates ([3935431d]
*   fixes bug where one can't override version or help flags ([90d7d6a2], closes [#514]
*   fixes issue where before_help wasn't printed ([b3faff60]

#### Documentation

*   inter-links all types and pages ([3312893d], closes [#505]
*   makes all publicly available types viewable in docs ([52ca6505]

<a name="v2.5.1"></a>
### v2.5.1 (2016-05-11)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Subcommand Aliases**: fixes lifetime issue when setting multiple aliases at once ([ac42f6cf0]

<a name="v2.5.0"></a>
## v2.5.0 (2016-05-10)

#### Improvements

* **SubCommand Aliases:**  adds feature to yaml configs too ([69592195]

#### Features

* **SubCommands:**  adds support for subcommand aliases ([66b4dea6], closes [#469]

<a name="v2.4.3"></a>
### v2.4.3 (2016-05-10)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Usage Strings:**
  *  now properly dedups args that are also in groups ([3ca0947c], closes [#498]
  *  removes duplicate groups from usage strings ([f574fb8a]

#### Improvements

* **Groups:**  formats positional args in groups in a better way ([fef11154]
* **Help:**
  *  moves positionals to standard <> formatting ([03dfe5ce]
  *  default help subcommand string has been shortened ([5b7fe8e4], closes [#494]

<a name="v2.4.2"></a>
### v2.4.3 (2016-05-10)

* Ghost Release

<a name="v2.4.1"></a>
### v2.4.3 (2016-05-10)

* Ghost Release

<a name="v2.4.0"></a>
## v2.4.0 (2016-05-02)

#### Features

* **Help:**  adds support for displaying info before help message ([29fbfa3b]
* **Required:**  adds allowing args that are required unless certain args are present ([af1f7916]

#### Documentation

*   hides formatting from docs ([cb708093]
* **required_unless:**  adds docs and examples for required_unless ([ca727b52]

#### Bug Fixes

* **Required Args:**  fixes issue where missing required args are sometimes duplicatd in error messages ([3beebd81], closes [#492]

<a name="v2.3.0"></a>
## v2.3.0 (2016-04-18)

#### Improvements

* ****  Added write_nspaces macro (a new version of write_spaces) ([9d757e86]
* ****
  *  Provide a way to create a usage string without the USAGE: title ([a91d378b]
  *  Make Parser's create_usage public allowing to have function outside the parser to generate the help ([d51945f8]
  *  Expose Parser's flags, opts and positionals argument as iterators ([9b23e7ee]
* **src/args:**  Exposes argument display order by introducing a new Trait ([1321630e]
* **srs/args:**  Added longest_filter to AnyArg trait ([65b3f667]

#### Features

* **Authors Macro:**  adds a crate_authors macro ([38fb59ab], closes [#447]
* **HELP:**
  *  implements optional colored help messages ([abc8f669], closes [#483]
  *  Add a Templated Help system. ([81e121ed]

#### Bug Fixes

* **HELP:**  Adjust Help to semantic changes introduced in 6933b84 ([8d23806b]

<a name="v2.2.6"></a>
### v2.2.6 (2016-04-11)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Arg Groups**: fixes bug where arg name isn't printed properly ([3019a685], closes [#476]

<a name="v2.2.5"></a>
### v2.2.5 (2016-04-03)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Empty Values:**  fixes bug where empty values weren't stored ([885d166f], closes [#470]
* **Help Message:**  fixes bug where arg name is printed twice ([71acf1d5], closes [#472]

<a name="v2.2.4"></a>
### v2.2.4 (2016-03-30)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes compiling with debug cargo feature ([d4b55450]
* **Empty Values:**  fixes bug where empty values weren't stored ([885d166f], closes [#470]

<a name="v2.2.3"></a>
### v2.2.3 (2016-03-28)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Help Subcommand:**  fixes issue where help and version flags weren't properly displayed ([205b07bf], closes [#466]

<a name="v2.2.2"></a>
### v2.2.2 (2016-03-27)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Help Message:**  fixes bug with wrapping in the middle of a unicode sequence ([05365ddc], closes [#456]
* **Usage Strings:**  fixes small bug where -- would appear needlessly in usage strings ([6933b849], closes [#461]

<a name="2.2.1"></a>
### 2.2.1 (2016-03-16)

#### Features

* **Help Message:**  wraps and aligns the help message of subcommands ([813d75d0], closes [#452]

#### Bug Fixes

* **Help Message:**  fixes a bug where small terminal sizes causing a loop ([1d73b035], closes [#453]

<a name="v2.2.0"></a>
## v2.2.0 (2016-03-15)

#### Features

* **Help Message:**  can auto wrap and aligning help text to term width ([e36af026], closes [#428]
* **Help Subcommand:**  adds support passing additional subcommands to help subcommand ([2c12757b], closes [#416]
* **Opts and Flags:**  adds support for custom ordering in help messages ([9803b51e]
* **Settings:**  adds support for automatically deriving custom display order of args ([ad86e433], closes [#444]
* **Subcommands:**  adds support for custom ordering in help messages ([7d2a2ed4], closes [#442]

#### Bug Fixes

* **From Usage:**  fixes a bug where adding empty lines werent ignored ([c5c58c86]

#### Documentation

* **Groups:**  explains required ArgGroups better ([4ff0205b], closes [#439]

<a name="v2.1.2"></a>
### v2.1.2 (2016-02-24)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Nightly:**  fixes failing nightly build ([d752c170], closes [#434]

<a name="v2.1.1"></a>
### v2.1.1 (2016-02-19)

#### Documentation

* **AppSettings:**  clarifies that AppSettings do not propagate ([3c8db0e9], closes [#429]
* **Arg Examples:**  adds better examples ([1e79cccc]

#### Improvements

* **Help:**  adds setting for next line help by arg ([066df748], closes [#427]

<a name="v2.1.0"></a>
## v2.1.0 (2016-02-10)

#### Features

* **Defult Values:**  adds support for default values in args ([73211952], closes [#418]

#### Documentation

* **Default Values:**  adds better examples and notes for default values ([9facd74f]

<a name="v2.0.6"></a>
### v2.0.6 (2016-02-09)

#### Improvements

* **Positional Arguments:**  now displays value name if appropriate ([f0a99916], closes [#420]

<a name="v2.0.5"></a>
### v2.0.5 (2016-02-05)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Multiple Values:**  fixes bug where number_of_values wasnt respected ([72c387da]

<a name="v2.0.4"></a>
### v2.0.4 (2016-02-04)

#### Bug Fixes

*   adds support for building ArgGroups from standalone YAML ([fcbc7e12]
*   Stop lonely hyphens from causing panic ([85b11468], closes [#410]
* **AppSettings:**  fixes bug where subcmds didn't receive parent ver ([a62e4527]

<a name="v2.0.3"></a>
### v2.0.3 (2016-02-02)

#### Improvements

* **values:**  adds support for up to u64::max values per arg ([c7abf7d7]
* **occurrences:**  Allow for more than 256 occurrences of an argument. ([3731ddb3]

#### Features

* **AppSettings:**  adds HidePossibleValuesInHelp to skip writing those values ([cdee7a0e]

#### Bug Fixes

* **value_t_or_exit:**  fixes typo which causes value_t_or_exit to return a Result ([ee96baff]

<a name="v2.0.2"></a>
### v2.0.2 (2016-01-31)

#### Improvements

* **arg_enum:**  enum declared with arg_enum returns [&'static str; #] instead of Vec ([9c4b8a1a]

#### Bug Fixes

*   clap_app! should be gated by unstable, not nightly feature ([0c8b84af]
* **SubCommands:**  fixed where subcmds weren't recognized after mult args ([c19c17a8], closes [#405]
* **Usage Parser:**  fixes a bug where literal single quotes weren't allowed in help strings ([0bcc7120], closes [#406]

<a name="v2.0.1"></a>
### v2.0.1 (2016-01-30)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes cargo features to NOT require nightly with unstable features ([dcbcc60c], closes [#402]

<a name="v2.0.0"></a>
## v2.0.0 (2016-01-28)

#### Improvements

* **From Usage:**  vastly improves the usage parser ([fa3a2f86], closes [#350]

#### Features

*   adds support for external subcommands ([177fe5cc], closes [#372]
*   adds support values with a leading hyphen ([e4d429b9], closes [#385]
*   adds support for turning off the value delimiter ([508db850], closes [#352]
*   adds support changing the value delimiter ([dafeae8a], closes [#353]
*   adds support for comma separated values ([e69da6af], closes [#348]
*   adds support with options with optional values ([4555736c], closes [#367]
* **UTF-8:**  adds support for invalid utf8 in values ([c5c59dec], closes [#269]
* **v2:**  implementing the base of 2.x ([a3536054]

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes nightly build with new lints ([17599195]
*   fixes Windows build for 2x release ([674c9b48], closes [#392]
*   fixes yaml build for 2x base ([adceae64]

#### Documentation

*   updates examples for 2x release ([1303b360], closes [#394]
*   updates examples for 2x release ([0a011f31], closes [#394]
*   updates documentation for v2 release ([8d51724e]
*   updating docs for 2x release ([576d0e0e]
* ****
  *  updates readme for v2 release ([acaba01a], closes [#393]
  *  fix typo and make documentation conspicuous ([07b9f614]


* **Fewer liftimes! Yay!**
 * `App<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f>` => `App<'a, 'b>`
 * `Arg<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f>` => `Arg<'a, 'b>`
 * `ArgMatches<'a, 'b>` => `ArgMatches<'a>`
* **Simply Renamed**
 * `App::arg_group` => `App::group`
 * `App::arg_groups` => `App::groups`
 * `ArgGroup::add` => `ArgGroup::arg`
 * `ArgGroup::add_all` => `ArgGroup::args`
 * `ClapError` => `Error`
  * struct field `ClapError::error_type` => `Error::kind`
 * `ClapResult` => `Result`
 * `ClapErrorType` => `ErrorKind`
* **Removed Deprecated Functions and Methods**
 * `App::subcommands_negate_reqs`
 * `App::subcommand_required`
 * `App::arg_required_else_help`
 * `App::global_version(bool)`
 * `App::versionless_subcommands`
 * `App::unified_help_messages`
 * `App::wait_on_error`
 * `App::subcommand_required_else_help`
 * `SubCommand::new`
 * `App::error_on_no_subcommand`
 * `Arg::new`
 * `Arg::mutually_excludes`
 * `Arg::mutually_excludes_all`
 * `Arg::mutually_overrides_with`
 * `simple_enum!`
* **Renamed Error Variants**
 * `InvalidUnicode` => `InvalidUtf8`
 * `InvalidArgument` => `UnknownArgument`
* **Usage Parser**
 * Value names can now be specified inline, i.e. `-o, --option <FILE> <FILE2> 'some option which takes two files'`
 * **There is now a priority of order to determine the name** - This is perhaps the biggest breaking change. See the documentation for full details. Prior to this change, the value name took precedence. **Ensure your args are using the proper names (i.e. typically the long or short and NOT the value name) throughout the code**
* `ArgMatches::values_of` returns an `Values` now which implements `Iterator` (should not break any code)
* `crate_version!` returns `&'static str` instead of `String`
* Using the `clap_app!` macro requires compiling with the `unstable` feature because the syntax could change slightly in the future

<a name="v1.5.5"></a>
### v1.5.5 (2016-01-04)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes an issue where invalid short args didn't cause an error ([c9bf7e44]
*   prints the name in version and help instead of binary name ([8f3817f6], closes [#368]
*   fixes an intentional panic issue discovered via clippy ([ea83a3d4]

<a name="v1.5.4"></a>
### v1.5.4 (2015-12-18)

#### Examples

* **17_yaml:**  conditinonally compile 17_yaml example ([575de089]

#### Improvements

*   clippy improvements ([99cdebc2]

#### Bug Fixes

* **errors:**  return correct error type in WrongNumValues error builder ([5ba8ba9d]
*   ArgRequiredElseHelp setting now takes precedence over missing required args ([faad83fb], closes [#362]

<a name="v1.5.3"></a>
### v1.5.3 (2015-11-20)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Errors:**  fixes some instances when errors are missing a final newline ([c4d2b171]

<a name="v1.5.2"></a>
### v1.5.2 (2015-11-14)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Errors:**  fixes a compiling bug when built on Windows or without the color feature ([a35f7634]

<a name="v1.5.1"></a>
### v1.5.1 (2015-11-13)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Required Args:**  fixes a bug where required args are not correctly accounted for ([f03b88a9], closes [#343]

<a name="v1.5.0"></a>
## v1.5.0 (2015-11-13)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes a bug with required positional args in usage strings ([c6858f78]

#### Documentation

* **FAQ:**  updates readme with slight changes to FAQ ([a4ef0fab]

#### Improvements

*   massive errors overhaul ([cdc29175]
* **ArgMatcher:**  huge refactor and deduplication of code ([8988853f]
* **Errors:**  errors have been vastly improved ([e59bc0c1]
* **Traits:**  refactoring some configuration into traits ([5800cdec]

#### Performance

* **App:**
  *  more BTreeMap->Vec, Opts and SubCmds ([bc4495b3]
  *  changes flags BTreeMap->Vec ([d357640f]
  *  removed unneeded BTreeMap ([78971fd6]
  *  changes BTreeMap to VecMap in some instances ([64b921d0]
  *  removed excess clones ([ec0089d4]

<a name="v1.4.7"></a>
### v1.4.7 (2015-11-03)

#### Documentation

*   Clarify behavior of Arg::multiple with options. ([434f497a]
*   Fix typos and improve grammar. ([c1f66b5d]

#### Bug Fixes

* **Error Status:**  fixes bug where --help and --version return non-zero exit code ([89b51fdf]

<a name="v1.4.6"></a>
### v1.4.6 (2015-10-29)

#### Features

*   allows parsing without a binary name for daemons and interactive CLIs ([aff89d57], closes [#318]

#### Bug Fixes

* **Errors:**  tones down quoting in some error messages ([34ce59ed], closes [#309]
* **Help and Version:**  only builds help and version once ([e3be87cf]
* **Option Args:**  fixes bug with args and multiple values ([c9a9548a], closes [#323]
* **POSIX Overrides:**  fixes bug where required args are overridden ([40ed2b50]
* **Safe Matches:**  using 'safe' forms of the get_matches family no longer exit the process ([c47025dc], closes [#256]
* **Versionless SubCommands:**  fixes a bug where the -V flag was needlessly built ([27df8b9d], closes [#329]

#### Documentation

*   adds comparison in readme ([1a8bf31e], closes [#325]

<a name="v1.4.5"></a>
### v1.4.5 (2015-10-06)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes crash on invalid arg error ([c78ce128]

<a name="v1.4.4"></a>
### v1.4.4 (2015-10-06)

#### Documentation

*   clean up some formatting ([b7df92d7]
*   move the crate-level docs to top of the file ([d7233bf1]
*   changes doc comments to rustdoc comments ([34b601be]
*   fixes panic in 14_groups example ([945b00a0], closes [#295]
*   avoid suggesting star dependencies. ([d33228f4]
* **Rustdoc:**  adds portions of the readme to main rustdoc page ([6f9ee181], closes [#293]

#### Bug Fixes

*   grammar error in some conflicting option errors ([e73b07e1]
* **Unified Help:**  sorts both flags and options as a unified category ([2a223dad]
* **Usage:**  fixes a bug where required args aren't filtered properly ([72b453dc], closes [#277]
* **Usage Strings:**  fixes a bug ordering of elements in usage strings ([aaf0d6fe], closes [#298]

#### Features

*   supports -aValue style options ([0e3733e4]
* **Trailing VarArg:**  adds opt-in setting for final arg being vararg ([27018b18], closes [#278]

<a name="v1.4.3"></a>
### v1.4.3 (2015-09-30)

#### Features

*   allows accessing arg values by group name ([c92a4b9e]

#### Documentation

*   use links to examples instead of plain text ([bb4fe237]

#### Bug Fixes

* **Help Message:**  required args no longer double list in usage ([1412e639], closes [#277]
* **Possible Values:**  possible value validation is restored ([f121ae74], closes [#287]

<a name="v1.4.2"></a>
### v1.4.2 (2015-09-23)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Conflicts:**  fixes bug with conflicts not removing required args ([e17fcec5], closes [#271]

<a name="v1.4.1"></a>
### v1.4.1 (2015-09-22)

#### Examples

*   add clap_app quick example ([4ba6249c]

#### Features

* **Unicode:**  allows non-panicing on invalid unicode characters ([c5bf7ddc]

#### Documentation

*   properly names Examples section for rustdoc ([87ba5445]
*   fixes various typos and spelling ([f85640f9]
* **Arg:**  unhides fields of the Arg struct ([931aea88]

#### Bug Fixes

*   flush the buffer in App::print_version() ([cbc42a37]
*   Macro benchmarks ([13712da1]

<a name="v1.4.0"></a>
## v1.4.0 (2015-09-09)

#### Features

*   allows printing help message by library consumers ([56b95f32]
*   allows defining hidden args and subcmds ([2cab4d03], closes [#231]
*   Builder macro to assist with App/Arg/Group/SubCommand building ([443841b0]
* **Errors:**  allows consumers to write to stderr and exit on error ([1e6403b6]

<a name="v1.3.2"></a>
### v1.3.2 (2015-09-08)

#### Documentation

*   fixed ErrorKind docs ([dd057843]
* **ErrorKind:**  changed examples content ([b9ca2616]

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes a bug where the help subcommand wasn't overridable ([94003db4]

#### Features

*   adds abiltiy not consume self when parsing matches and/or exit on help ([94003db4]
* **App:**  Added ability for users to handle errors themselves ([934e6fbb]

<a name="v1.3.1"></a>
### v1.3.1 (2015-09-04)

#### Examples

* **17_yaml:**  fixed example ([9b848622]

#### Performance

*   changes ArgGroup HashSets to Vec ([3cb4a48e]
*   changes BTreeSet for Vec in some instances ([baab2e3f]

<a name="v1.3.0"></a>
## v1.3.0 (2015-09-01)

#### Features

* **YAML:**  allows building a CLI from YAML files ([86cf4c45]
* **ArgGroups:**  adds support for building ArgGroups from yaml ([ecf88665]
* **Subcommands:**  adds support for subcommands from yaml ([e415cf78]

#### Documentation

* **YAML:**  adds examples for using YAML to build a CLI ([ab41d7f3]
* **Args from YAML:**  fixes doc examples ([19b348a1]
* **Examples:**  adds better usage examples instead of having unused variables ([8cbacd88]

#### Examples

*   Add AppSettings example ([12705079]

#### Bug Fixes

* **Unified Help Messages:**  fixes a crash from this setting and no opts ([169ffec1], closes [#210]

<a name="v1.2.5"></a>
### v1.2.5 (2015-08-27)

#### Examples

*   add custom validator example ([b9997d1f]
*   fix indentation ([d4f1b740]

#### Features

* **Args:**  allows opts and args to define a name for help and usage msgs ([ad962ec4]

<a name="v1.2.4"></a>
### v1.2.4 (2015-08-26)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Possible Values:**  fixes a bug where suggestions arent made when using --long=value format ([3d5e9a6c], closes [#192]

<a name="v1.2.3"></a>
### v1.2.3 (2015-08-24)

#### Bug Fixes

* **App, Args:**  fixed subcommand reqs negation ([b41afa8c], closes [#188]

<a name="v1.2.2"></a>
### v1.2.2 (2015-08-23)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixed confusing error message, also added test for it ([fc7a31a7]
* **App:**  fixed requirmets overriding ([9c135eb7]

<a name="v1.2.1"></a>
### v1.2.1 (2015-08-20)

#### Documentation

* ****  updates for new features ([16cf9245]

#### Features

*   implements posix compatible conflicts for long args ([8c2d48ac]
*   added overrides to support conflicts in POSIX compatible manner ([0b916a00]
* **Args:**  allows defining POSIX compatible argument conflicts ([d715646e]

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixed links in cargo and license buttons ([6d9837ad]

#### Performance

* **Args and Apps:**  changes HashSet->Vec in some instances for increased performance ([d0c3b379]

<a name="v1.2.0"></a>
### v1.2.0 (2015-08-15)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixed misspell and enum name ([7df170d7]
*   fixed use for clap crate ([dc3ada73]

#### Documentation

*   updates docs for new features ([03496547]
*   fixed docs for previous changes ([ade36778]

#### Improvements

* **AppSettings:**  adds ability to add multiple settings at once ([4a00e251]

#### Features

*   Replace application level settings with enum variants ([618dc4e2]
* **Args:**  allows for custom argument value validations to be defined ([84ae2ddb], closes [#170]

<a name="v1.1.6"></a>
### v1.1.6 (2015-08-01)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes two bugs in App when printing newlines in help and subcommands required error ([d63c0136]

<a name="v1.1.5"></a>
### v1.1.5 (2015-07-29)

#### Performance

*   removes some unneeded allocations ([93e915df]

<a name="v1.1.4"></a>
### v1.1.4 (2015-07-20)

#### Improvements

* **Usage Strings**  displays a [--] when it may be helpful ([86c3be85]

#### Bug Fixes

* **Macros**  fixes a typo in a macro generated error message ([c9195c5f]
* **Type Errors**  fixes formatting of error output when failed type parsing ([fe5d95c6]

<a name="v1.1.3"></a>
### v1.1.3 (2015-07-18)

#### Documentation

*   updates to include lack of color support on Windows ([52f81e17]

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes formatting bug which prevented compiling on windows ([9cb5dceb], closes [#163]

<a name="v1.1.2"></a>
### v1.1.2 (2015-07-17)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes a bug when parsing multiple {n} newlines inside help strings ([6d214b54]

<a name="v1.1.1"></a>
## v1.1.1 (2015-07-17)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fixes a logic bug and allows setting Arg::number_of_values() < 2 ([42b6d1fc], closes [#161]

<a name="v1.1.0"></a>
## v1.1.0 (2015-07-16)

#### Features

*   allows creating unified help messages, a la docopt or getopts ([52bcd892], closes [#158]
*   allows stating all subcommands should *not* have --version flags ([336c476f], closes [#156]
*   allows setting version number to auto-propagate through subcommands ([bc66d3c6], closes [#157]

#### Improvements

* **Help Strings**  properly aligns and handles newlines in long help strings ([f9800a29], closes [#145]

#### Performance

* **Help Messages**  big performance improvements when printing help messages ([52bcd892]

#### Documentation

*   updates readme with new features ([8232f7bb]
*   fix incorrect code example for `App::subcommand_required` ([8889689d]

<a name="v1.0.3"></a>
### v1.0.3 (2015-07-11)

#### Improvements

* **Errors**  writes errors to stderr ([cc76ab8c], closes [#154]

#### Documentation

* ****  updates example help message to new format ([0aca29bd]

<a name="v1.0.2"></a>
### v1.0.2 (2015-07-09)

#### Improvements

* **Usage**  re-orders optional arguments and required to natural standard ([dc7e1fce], closes [#147]

<a name="v1.0.1"></a>
### v1.0.1 (2015-07-08)

#### Bug Fixes

*   allows empty values when using --long='' syntax ([083f82d3], closes [#151]

<a name="v1.0.0"></a>
## v1.0.0 (2015-07-08)

#### Documentation

* ****  adds new features to what's new list ([938f7f01]
* ****  use with_name for subcommands ([28b7e316]

#### Features

*   args can now be parsed from arbitrary locations, not just std::env::args() ([75312528]

<a name="v1.0.0"></a>
## v1.0.0-beta (2015-06-30)

#### Features

*   allows waiting for user input on error ([d0da3bdd], closes [#140]
* **Help**  allows one to fully override the auto-generated help message ([26d5ae3e], closes [#141]

#### Documentation

*   adds "whats new" section to readme ([ff149a29]

#### Improvements

*   removes deprecated functions in prep for 1.0 ([274484df]

<a name="v0.11.0"></a>
## v0.11.0 (2015-06-17) - BREAKING CHANGE

#### Documentation

*   updates docs to new version flag defaults ([ebf442eb]

#### Features

* **Help and Version**  default short for version is now `-V` but can be overridden (only breaks manual documentation) (**BREAKING CHANGE** [eb1d9320]

<a name="v0.10.5"></a>
### v0.10.5 (2015-06-06)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Global Args**  global arguments propogate fully now ([1f377960], closes [#137]

<a name="v0.10.4"></a>
### v0.10.4 (2015-06-06)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Global Args**  global arguments propogate fully now ([8f2c0160], closes [#137]

<a name="v0.10.3"></a>
### v0.10.3 (2015-05-31)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Global Args**  fixes a bug where globals only transfer to one subcommand ([a37842ee], closes [#135]

<a name="v0.10.2"></a>
### v0.10.2 (2015-05-30)

#### Improvements

* **Binary Names**  allows users to override the system determined bin name ([2191fe94], closes [#134]

#### Documentation

*   adds contributing guidelines ([6f76bd0a]

<a name="v0.10.1"></a>
### v0.10.1 (2015-05-26)

#### Features

*   can now specify that an app or subcommand should display help on no args or subcommands ([29ca7b2f], closes [#133]

<a name="v0.10.0"></a>
## v0.10.0 (2015-05-23)

#### Features

* **Global Args**  allows args that propagate down to child commands ([2bcc6137], closes [#131]

#### Improvements

* **Colors**  implements more structured colored output ([d6c3ed54], closes [#129]

#### Deprecations

* **SubCommand/App**  several methods and functions for stable release ([28b73855]

#### Documentation

*   updates for deprecations and new features ([743eefe8]

<a name="v0.9.2"></a>
## v0.9.2 (2015-05-20)

#### Bug Fixes

* **help**  allows parent requirements to be ignored with help and version ([52218cc1], closes [#124]

<a name="v0.9.1"></a>
## v0.9.1 (2015-05-18)

#### Bug Fixes

* **help**  fixes a bug where requirements are included as program name in help and version ([08ba3f25]

<a name="v0.9.0"></a>
## v0.9.0 (2015-05-17)

#### Improvements

* **usage**  usage strings now include parent command requirements ([dd8f21c7], closes [#125]
* **args**  allows consumer of clap to decide if empty values are allowed or not ([ab4ec609], closes [#122]

#### Features

* **subcommands**
  *  allows optionally specifying that no subcommand is an error ([7554f238], closes [#126]
  *  subcommands can optionally negate parent requirements ([4a4229f5], closes [#123]

<a name="v0.8.6"></a>
## v0.8.6 (2015-05-17)

#### Bug Fixes

* **args**  `-` can now be parsed as a value for an argument ([bc12e78e], closes [#121]

<a name="v0.8.5"></a>
## v0.8.5 (2015-05-15)

#### Bug Fixes

* **macros**  makes macro errors consistent with others ([0c264a8c], closes [#118]

#### Features

* **macros**
  *  arg_enum! and simple_enum! provide a Vec<&str> of variant names ([30fa87ba], closes [#119]
  *  arg_enum! and simple_enum! auto-implement Display ([d1219f0d], closes [#120]

<a name="v0.8.4"></a>
## v0.8.4 (2015-05-12)

#### Bug Fixes

* **suggestions**  --help and --version now get suggestions ([d2b3b1fa], closes [#116]

<a name="v0.8.3"></a>
## v0.8.3 (2015-05-10)

#### Bug Fixes

* **usage**  groups unfold their members in usage strings ([55d15582], closes [#114]

#### Performance

* **usage**  removes unneeded allocations ([fd53cd18]

<a name="v0.8.2"></a>
## v0.8.2 (2015-05-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **usage strings**  positional arguments are presented in index order ([eb0e374e], closes [#112]

<a name="v0.8.1"></a>
## v0.8.1 (2015-05-06)

#### Bug Fixes

* **subcommands**  stops parsing multiple values when subcommands are found ([fc79017e], closes [#109]

#### Improvements

* **color**  reduces color in error messages ([aab44cca], closes [#110]
* **suggestions**  adds suggested arguments to usage strings ([99447414]

<a name="v0.8.0"></a>
## v0.8.0 (2015-05-06)

#### Bug Fixes

* **did-you-mean**  for review ([0535cfb0]
* **Positional**  positionals were ignored if they matched a subcmd, even after '--' ([90e7b081]
* **help**  fixes bug where space between arg and help is too long ([632fb115]

#### Features

* **from_usage**  adds ability to add value names or num of vals in usage string ([3d581976], closes [#98]
* **did-you-mean**
  *  gate it behind 'suggestions' ([c0e38351]
  *  for possible values ([1cc2deb2]
  *  for long flags (i.e. --long) ([52a0b850]
  *  for subcommands ([06e869b5]
* **Flags**  adds sugestions functionality ([8745071c]
* **errors**  colorizes output red on error ([f8b26b13]

#### Improvements

* **arg_enum**  allows ascii case insensitivity for enum variants ([b249f965], closes [#104]
* **clap-test**  simplified `make test` invocation ([d17dcb29]

#### Documentation

* **README**  adds details about optional and new features ([960389de]
* **clap**  fix typos caught by codespell ([8891d929]
* **from_usage**  explains new usage strings with multiple values ([05476fc6]

<a name="v0.7.6"></a>
## v0.7.6 (2015-05-05)

#### Improvements

* **Options**  adds number of values to options in help/usage ([c1c993c4]

#### Features

* **from_usage**  adds ability to add value names or num of vals in usage string ([ad55748c], closes [#98]

#### Bug Fixes

* **MultipleValues**  properly distinguishes between multiple values and multiple occurrences ([dd2a7564], closes [#99]
* **help**  fixes tab alignment with multiple values ([847001ff]

#### Documentation

* **from_usage**  explains new usage strings with multiple values ([5a3a42df]

<a name="v0.7.5"></a>
## v0.7.5 (2015-05-04)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Options**  fixes bug where options with no value don't error out ([a1fb94be]

<a name="v0.7.4"></a>
## v0.7.4 (2015-05-03)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Options**  fixes a bug where option arguments in succession get their values skipped ([f66334d0]

<a name="v0.7.3"></a>
## v0.7.3 (2015-05-03)

#### Bug Fixes

* **RequiredValues**  fixes a bug where missing values are parsed as missing arguments ([93c4a723]

#### Improvements

* **ErrorMessages**  improves error messages and corrections ([a29c3983]
* **ArgGroups**  improves requirement and confliction support for groups ([c236dc5f]

<a name="v0.7.2"></a>
## v0.7.2 (2015-05-03)

#### Bug Fixes

* **RequiredArgs**  fixes bug where required-by-default arguments are not listed in usage ([12aea961], closes [#96]

<a name="v0.7.1"></a>
## v0.7.1 (2015-05-01)

#### Bug Fixes

* **MultipleValues**  stops evaluating values if the max or exact number of values was reached ([86d92c9f]

<a name="v0.7.0"></a>
## v0.7.0 (2015-04-30) - BREAKING CHANGE

#### Bug Fixes

* **from_usage**  removes bug where usage strings have no help text ([ad4e5451], closes [#83]

#### Features

* **MultipleValues**
  *  add support for minimum and maximum number of values ([53f6b8c9]
  *  adds support limited number and named values ([ae09f05e]
  *  implement shorthand for options with multiple values ([6669f0a9]
* **arg**  allow other types besides Vec for multiple value settings (**BREAKING CHANGE** [0cc2f698], closes [#87]
* **usage**  implement smart usage strings on errors ([d77048ef], closes [#88]

<a name="v0.6.9"></a>
## v0.6.9 (2015-04-29)

#### Bug Fixes

* **from_usage**  removes bug where usage strings have no help text ([ad4e5451], closes [#83]

<a name="0.6.8"></a>
## 0.6.8 (2015-04-27)

#### Bug Fixes

* **help**  change long help --long=long -> --long <long> ([1e25abfc]
* **RequiredArgs**  required by default args should no longer be required when their exclusions are present ([4bb4c3cc]

#### Features

* **ArgGroups**  add ability to create arg groups ([09eb4d98]

<a name="v0.6.7"></a>
## v0.6.7 (2015-04-22)

#### Bug Fixes

* **from_usage**  fix bug causing args to not be required ([b76129e9]

#### Features

* **apps**  add ability to display additional help info after auto-gen'ed help msg ([65cc259e]

<a name="v0.6.6"></a>
## v0.6.6 (2015-04-19)

#### Bug Fixes

* **from_usage**  tabs and spaces should be treated equally ([4fd44181]

#### Features

* ****  add macro to get version from Cargo.toml ([c630969a]

<a name="v0.6.5"></a>
## v0.6.5 (2015-04-19)

#### Bug Fixes

* ****  fix use statements for trait impls ([86e4075e]

<a name="v0.6.4"></a>
## v0.6.4 (2015-04-17)

#### Features

* **macros**  add ability to create enums pub or priv with derives ([2c499f80]

<a name="v0.6.3"></a>
## v0.6.3 (2015-04-16)

#### Features

* **macros**  add macro to create custom enums to use as types ([fb672aff]

<a name="v0.6.2"></a>
## v0.6.2 (2015-04-14)

#### Features

* **macros**
  *  add ability to get mutliple typed values or exit ([0b87251f]
  *  add ability to get a typed multiple values ([e243fe38]
  *  add convenience macro to get a typed value or exit ([4b7cd3ea]
  *  add convenience macro to get a typed value ([8752700f]

<a name="v0.6.1"></a>
## v0.6.1 (2015-04-13)

#### Bug Fixes

* **from_usage**  trim all whitespace before parsing ([91d29045]

<a name="v0.6.0"></a>
## v0.6.0 (2015-04-13)

#### Bug Fixes

* **tests**  fix failing doc tests ([3710cd69]

#### Features

* **app**  add support for building args from usage strings ([d5d48bcf]
* **args**  add ability to create basic arguments from a usage string ([ab409a8f]

<a name="v0.5.14"></a>
## v0.5.14 (2015-04-10)

#### Bug Fixes

* **usage**
  *  remove unneeded space ([51372789]
  *  remove warning about unused variables ([ba817b9d]

#### Features

* **usage**  add ability to get usage string for subcommands too ([3636afc4]

<a name="v0.5.13"></a>
## v0.5.13 (2015-04-09)

#### Features

* **SubCommands**  add method to get name and subcommand matches together ([64e53928]
* **ArgMatches**  add method to get default usage string ([02462150]

<a name="v0.5.12"></a>
## v0.5.12 (2015-04-08)

#### Features

* **help**  sort arguments by name so as to not display a random order ([f4b2bf57]

<a name="v0.5.11"></a>
## v0.5.11 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **flags**  fix bug not allowing users to specify -v or -h ([90e72cff]

<a name="v0.5.10"></a>
## v0.5.10 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **help**  fix spacing when option argument has not long version ([ca17fa49]

<a name="v0.5.9"></a>
## v0.5.9 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **positional args**  all previous positional args become required when a latter one is required ([c14c3f31], closes [#50]
* **clap**  remove unstable features for Rust 1.0 ([9abdb438]
* **args**  improve error messages for arguments with mutual exclusions ([18dbcf37], closes [#51]

<a name="v0.5.8"></a>
## v0.5.8 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **option args**  fix bug in getting the wrong number of occurrences for options ([82ad6ad7]
* **help**  fix formatting for option arguments with no long ([e8691004]
* **flags**  add assertion to catch flags with specific value sets ([a0a2a40f], closes [#52]
* **args**  improve error messages for arguments with mutual exclusions ([bff945fc], closes [#51]
* **tests**  add missing .takes_value(true) to option2 ([bdb0e88f]
* **positional args**  all previous positional args become required when a latter one is required ([343d47dc], closes [#50]

<a name="v0.5.7"></a>
## v0.5.7 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **args**  fix bug in arguments who are required and mutually exclusive ([6ceb88a5]

<a name="v0.5.6"></a>
## v0.5.6 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **help**  fix formatting of help and usage ([28691b52]

<a name="v0.5.5"></a>
## v0.5.5 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **help**  fix formatting of help for flags and options ([6ec10115]

<a name="v0.5.4"></a>
## v0.5.4 (2015-04-08)

#### Features

* **help**  add '...' to indicate multiple values supported ([297ddba7]

<a name="v0.5.3"></a>
## v0.5.3 (2015-04-08)

#### Features

* **positionals**
  *  add assertions for positional args with multiple vals ([b7fa72d4]
  *  add support for multiple values ([80784009]

<a name="v0.5.2"></a>
## v0.5.2 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **apps**  allow use of hyphens in application and subcommand names ([da549dcb]

<a name="v0.5.1"></a>
## v0.5.1 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **args**  determine if the only arguments allowed are also required ([0a09eb36]

<a name="v0.5.0"></a>
## v0.5.0 (2015-04-08)

#### Features

* **args**  add support for a specific set of allowed values on options or positional arguments ([270eb889]

<a name="v0.4.18"></a>
## v0.4.18 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **usage**  display required args in usage, even if only required by others ([1b7316d4]

#### Features

* **subcommands**  properly list subcommands in help and usage ([4ee02344]

<a name="v0.4.17"></a>
## v0.4.17 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **tests**  remove cargo test from claptests makefile ([1cf73817]

<a name="v0.4.16"></a>
## v0.4.16 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **option**  fix bug with option occurrence values ([9af52e93]
* **tests**  fix testing script bug and formatting ([d8f03a55]

#### Features

* **arg**  allow lifetimes other than 'static in arguments ([9e8c1fb9]