Function clap_num::number_range[][src]

pub fn number_range<T: Ord + PartialOrd + Display>(
    s: &str,
    min: T,
    max: T
) -> Result<T, String> where
    T: FromStr,
    <T as FromStr>::Err: Display
Expand description

Validate a signed or unsigned integer value.


  • s - String to parse.
  • min - Minimum value, inclusive.
  • max - Maximum value, inclusive.


This allows for a number of cents to be passed in the range of 0-99 (inclusive).

use clap::Parser;
use clap_num::number_range;

fn less_than_100(s: &str) -> Result<u8, String> {
    number_range(s, 0, 99)

struct Change {
    #[clap(long, parse(try_from_str=less_than_100))]
    cents: u8,

To run this example run cargo run --example change, giving arguments to the program after --, for example:

$ cargo run --example change -- --cents 99
Change: 99 cents

Error Messages

Values that are not numbers will show an error message similar to this:

error: Invalid value for '--cents <cents>': invalid digit found in string

Values resulting in integer overflow will show an error message similar to this:

error: Invalid value for '--cents <cents>': number too large to fit in target type

Values exceeding the limits will show an error message similar to this:

error: Invalid value for '--cents <cents>': exceeds maximum of 99