clang 0.3.0

An idiomatic Rust wrapper for libclang.

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An idiomatic Rust wrapper for libclang.

Supported on the stable, beta, and nightly Rust channels.

**Warning:** the API of this library is subject to change.

Released under the MIT license.

### Dependencies

This crate depends on `libclang.dll` (Windows), `` (Linux), or `libclang.dylib` (OS X).
These binaries can be either be installed as a part of clang or downloaded

#### Windows

On Windows, `libclang.dll` should be placed in `<rust>\lib\rustlib\*-pc-windows-*\lib` where
`<rust>` is your Rust installation directory.

### Supported Versions

* 3.5.x - [Documentation]
* 3.6.x - [Documentation]
* 3.7.x - [Documentation]

If you do not select a specific version, a common subset API will be availabile. The documentation
for this API is [here](