ckb 0.39.1

CKB is the layer 1 of Nervos Network, a public/permissionless blockchain.
vulnerability = "deny"
unmaintained = "deny"
yanked = "deny"
notice = "deny"
ignore = [
    "RUSTSEC-2020-0016", # TODO net2 has been deprecated, but still a lot of required crates are dependent on it
    "RUSTSEC-2020-0036", # TODO failure is officially deprecated/unmaintained, but still a lot of required crates are dependent on it
    "RUSTSEC-2020-0043", # TODO ws allows remote attacker to run the process out of memory, since it is no longer actively maintained, we couldn't fix it in the short term
    "RUSTSEC-2020-0056", # We did not use the `stdweb` library, only `wasm32-unknown-unknown` would use `getrandom` and `wasm-bindgen`, `stdweb` would only be used in cargo-web
    "RUSTSEC-2020-0082", # TODO ordered_float:NotNan may contain NaN after panic in assignment operators
                         #      Could be removed after heim 0.1.0 released.

unlicensed = "deny"
allow = [
copyleft = "deny"
default = "deny"
exceptions = [
    { allow = ["BSD-3-Clause", "Zlib"], name = "adler32", version = "*" },
    { allow = ["MPL-2.0"], name = "attohttpc", version = "*" },
    { allow = ["MIT", "ISC", "OpenSSL"], name = "ring", version = "*" },

name = "ring"
version = "*"
expression = "MIT AND ISC AND OpenSSL"
license-files = [
    { path = "LICENSE", hash = 0xbd0eed23 }

multiple-versions = "warn"
wildcards = "deny"

unknown-registry = "deny"
unknown-git = "deny"
allow-git = [
    # TODO fix RUSTSEC-2020-0041 temporarily