ckb 0.107.0

CKB is the layer 1 of Nervos Network, a public/permissionless blockchain.
# [Nervos CKB] - The Common Knowledge Base

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master | develop
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[![Integration Tests]] | [![Integration Tests]]


## About CKB

CKB is a public and permissionless layer-1 blockchain. CKB uses [Proof of Work]( and [improved Nakamoto consensus]( to achieve maximized performance on average hardware and network bandwidth, without sacrificing layer-1's core values - decentralization and security.

CKB supports scripting in any programming language with its own [CKB-VM](, a virtual machine fully compatible with RISC-V ISA.
CKB is a [Universal Verification Layer]( which focuses on verification, leaves computation to layer 2 (and higher) applications/protocols.

[CKB]( is a part of [Nervos Network](, which defines [a suite of scalable and interoperable blockchain protocols]( to create a self-evolving distributed economy.

Support for different platforms are organized into [three tiers](docs/, each with a different set of guarantees.

**Notice**: The ckb process will send stack trace to sentry on Rust panics. This is enabled by default before the mainnet launch, which can be opted out by setting
the option `dsn` to empty in the config file.

## License [![FOSSA Status]]

Nervos CKB is released under the terms of the MIT license. See [COPYING](COPYING) for more information or see [](

## Join a Network

- Mainnet Mirana: Use the [latest release] and run `ckb init --chain mainnet` to initialize the node.
    - Mirana is active since the epoch 5414, see the [migration guide] to upgrade from Lina.
- Testnet Pudge: Use the [latest release] and run `ckb init --chain testnet` to initialize the node.
    - Pudge is active since the epoch 3113.

See more networks to join in the [wiki](

## Mining

CKB uses the [Eaglesong]( mining algorithm.

## Development Process

The `master` branch is regularly built and tested. It is considered already production ready; The `develop` branch is the work branch to merge new features, and it's not stable. The CHANGELOG is available in [Releases]( and []( in the `master` branch.

## How to Contribute

The contribution workflow is described in [](, and security policy is described in []( To propose new protocol or standard for Nervos, see [Nervos RFC](


## Documentations

[Latest version]( is hosted in GitHub.

The default branch in GitHub is `develop`, if you are looking for docs for the
Mainnet Mirana or Testnet Pudge, switch to the branch [master].


- [Quick Start]docs/
- [Configure CKB]docs/
- [Platform Support]docs/
- [How to Download or Build CKB Binary]
- [How to Download or Build CKB Binary on Windows]

You can find a more comprehensive document website at [](