ckb-types 0.38.0

Provides the essential types for CKB.
import blockchain;

// version 0.0.1 Ping message
union PingPayload {

table PingMessage {
    payload:        PingPayload,

table Ping {
    nonce: Uint32,

table Pong {
    nonce: Uint32,

// discovery 0.0.1

vector NodeVec <Node>;
array DiscoveryBool [byte; 1];
array Uint16 [byte; 2];
option PortOpt (Uint16);

union DiscoveryPayload {

table DiscoveryMessage {
    payload: DiscoveryPayload,

table GetNodes {
    version: Uint32,
    count: Uint32,
    listen_port: PortOpt,

table Nodes {
    announce: DiscoveryBool,
    items: NodeVec,

table Node {
    addresses: BytesVec,

// identify 0.0.1
vector AddressVec <Address>;

table Address {
    bytes: Bytes,

table IdentifyMessage {
    // These are the addresses on which the peer is listening as multi-addresses.
    listen_addrs: AddressVec,
    // Observed each other's ip
    observed_addr: Address,
    // Custom message to indicate self ability, such as list protocols supported
    identify: Bytes,