cityhash-sys 0.2.0

Rust binding of Google CityHash library.


Rust bindings to Google CityHash's C++ API. CityHash-sys do not load the standard library (a.k.a no_std).

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CityHash provides hash functions for strings. Functions mix the input bits thoroughly but are not suitable for cryptography. CityHash-sys is tested on little-endian but should work on big-endian architecture.

Hash functions without x86_64 CRC-32 intrinsic

Rust bindings provides a safe interface to all Google's CityHash hash functions:

Retrieves a 32-bit hash:

fn city_hash_32(buf: &[u8]) -> u32; // Call `uint32 CityHash32(const char *, size_t);`

Retrieves a 64-bit hash:

fn city_hash_64(buf: &[u8]) -> u64; // Call `uint64 CityHash64(const char *, size_t);`
fn city_hash_64_with_seed(buf: &[u8], seed: u64) -> u64; // Call ``uint64 CityHash64WithSeed(const char *, size_t, uint64);`
fn city_hash_64_with_seeds(buf: &[u8], seed_0: u64, seed_1: u64) -> u64; // Call `uint64 CityHash64WithSeeds(const char *, size_t, uint64, uint64);`

Retrieves 128-bit hash:

fn city_hash_128(buf: &[u8]) -> u128 // Call `uint128 CityHash128(const char *, size_t);`
fn city_hash_128_with_seed(buf: &[u8], seed: u128) -> u128 // Call `uint128 CityHash128WithSeed(const char *, size_t, uint128);`
fn city_hash_128_to_64(hash: u128) -> u64 // Call `uint64 Hash128to64(const uint128&);`

Note: Depending on your compiler and hardware, it's likely faster than CityHash64() on sufficiently long strings. It's slower than necessary on shorter strings.

Hash functions with x86_64 CRC-32 intrinsic

Some functions are available only if the target is x86_64 and support at least sse4.2 target feature because of the usage of CRC-32 intrinsic _mm_crc32_u64 . If we want to enable those functions use -C target-feature=+sse4.2 or above (avx or avx2). Note that depending of the length of the buffer you want to hash, it can be faster to use the non-intrinsic version. If the buffer to hash is less than 900 bytes, CityHashCrc128WithSeed and CityHashCrc128 will respectivelly internally call CityHash128WithSeed and CityHash128, in this case, it is better to call directly CityHash128WithSeed or CityHash128.

Retrieves 128-bit hash with CRC-32 intrinsic:

fn city_hash_crc_128(buf: &[u8]) -> u128; // Call `uint128 CityHashCrc128(const char *, size_t);`
fn city_hash_crc_128_with_seed(buf: &[u8], seed: u128) -> u128; // Call `uint128 CityHashCrc128WithSeed(const char *, size_t, uint128);`

Retrievse 256-bit hash with CRC-32 intrinsic:

fn city_hash_crc_256(buf: &[u8]) -> [u64; 4]; // Call `CityHashCrc256(const char *, size_t, uint64 *);`

Rust convenient traits

CityHash-sys provides convenient traits to hash.

CityHash trait provides hash functions that do not used the CRC-32 intrinsics.

use cityhash_sys::CityHash;

// Hash the slice with CityHash64
let hash_slice: u64 = [5u8, 4, 3, 2, 1].city_hash_64();
assert_eq!(hash_slice, 0x34EC5F7922A51496);

// Hash the str with CityHash64
let hash_str: u64 = "hash me!".city_hash_64();
assert_eq!(hash_str, 0xF04A0CC67B63A0B4);

CityHashCrc trait provides hash implementation for [u8] and str types with x86_64 CRC-32 intrinsic. (Only available with target-feature=+sse4.2)

use cityhash_sys::CityHashCrc;

// Hash the slice with CityHashCrc128
let hash_crc_slice: u128 = [5u8, 4, 3, 2, 1].city_hash_crc_128();

// Hash the str with CityHashCrc128
let hash_crc_slice: u128 = "hash me!".city_hash_crc_128();


On 64-bits hardware, CityHash is suitable for short string hashing, e.g., most hash table keys, especially city_hash_64 that is faster than city_hash_128. On 32-bits hardware, CityHash is the nearest competitor of Murmur3 on x86.

For more information

See the Google Cityhash README