cismute 0.1.2

Safely transmute type to itself in generic contexts
// lint me harder
// not that hard:
    // we're using `Result<_, _>` unconventionally
    // ideally all the functions must be optimized to nothing, which requires always inlining

//! Provides safe trivial transmutes in generic context, emulating
//! specialization on stable Rust. These functions are designed for being
//! optimized out by the compiler, so are probably zero-cost in most cases.
//! ```rust
//! fn specialized_function<T: 'static>(x: T) -> String {
//!     // We have an efficient algorithm for `i32` and worse algorithm for any other type.
//!     // With `cismute` we can do:
//!     match cismute::owned::<T, i32>(x) {
//!         Ok(x) => format!("got an i32: {x}"),
//!         Err(x) => format!("got something else"),
//!     }
//! }
//! assert_eq!(specialized_function(42_i32), "got an i32: 42");
//! assert_eq!(specialized_function(":)"), "got something else");
//! ```
//! [`cismute::owned`](owned()) works only for `'static` types. If your type
//! is a reference, you should use [`cismute::reference`](reference()) or
//! [`cismute::mutable`](mutable()).
//! ```rust
//! fn specialized_function<T: 'static>(x: &T) -> String {
//!     // We have an efficient algorithm for `i32` and worse algorithm for any other type.
//!     // With `cismute` we can do:
//!     match cismute::reference::<T, i32>(x) {
//!         Ok(x) => format!("got an i32: {x}"),
//!         Err(x) => format!("got something else"),
//!     }
//! }
//! assert_eq!(specialized_function(&42_i32), "got an i32: 42");
//! assert_eq!(specialized_function(&":)"), "got something else");
//! ```
//! There's also a more generic function [`cismute::value`](value()) which can
//! do all three. Writing all type arguments can be cumbersome, so you can also
//! pass the type pair as an argument via [`cismute::value_with`](value_with()):
//! ```rust
//! use cismute::Pair;
//! fn specialized_function<T: 'static>(x: &T) -> String {
//!     match cismute::value_with(Pair::<(T, i32)>, x) {
//!         Ok(x) => format!("got an i32: {x}"),
//!         Err(x) => format!("got something else"),
//!     }
//! }
//! assert_eq!(specialized_function(&42_i32), "got an i32: 42");
//! assert_eq!(specialized_function(&":)"), "got something else");
//! ```
//! There are also [`switch!()`] macro and [`switch()`] function
//! to match one value with multiple types.

use core::{any::TypeId, marker::PhantomData, mem::ManuallyDrop};

#[cfg(feature = "switch")]
mod branches;

#[cfg(feature = "switch")]
use branches::Branches;

union GenericTransmute<T, U> {
    from: ManuallyDrop<T>,
    to: ManuallyDrop<U>,

// Required because transmute doesn't work in generic contexts
unsafe fn generic_transmute<T, U>(from: T) -> U {
        GenericTransmute {
            from: ManuallyDrop::new(from),

/// Pair of two types for passing to [`cismute::value_with`](value_with()).
/// <!-- I'm sorry, but rustdoc does something weird with reexports -->
/// <div style="display: none">
pub use core::marker::PhantomData as Pair;

/// A reference that can be safely transmuted if underlying type is the same.
/// # Safety
/// For any `RefT: Cismutable<'a, T, RefU>` transmutation from `RefT` to
/// `RefU` must be safe if `T` and `U` are the same type.
pub unsafe trait Cismutable<'a, T, U, RefU> {}
unsafe impl<'a, T, U> Cismutable<'a, T, U, &'a U> for &'a T {}
unsafe impl<'a, T, U> Cismutable<'a, T, U, &'a mut U> for &'a mut T {}
unsafe impl<T: 'static, U: 'static> Cismutable<'static, T, U, U> for T {}

mod seal {
    pub trait Phantom<T> {}
use seal::Phantom;

impl<T> Phantom<T> for PhantomData<T> {}

/// Transmutes an owned value of type `T` to type `U` if they are the same type.
/// Returns the passed value back if failed.
/// See module-level docs for usage example.
pub fn owned<T, U>(val: T) -> Result<U, T>
    T: 'static,
    U: 'static,

/// Transmutes reference to type `T` to `&U` if they are the same type.
/// Returns the passed value back if failed.
/// See module-level docs for usage example.
pub fn reference<'a, T, U>(val: &'a T) -> Result<&'a U, &'a T>
    T: 'static,
    U: 'static,
    value::<'a, T, U, _, _>(val)

/// Transmutes a mutable reference to type `T` to `&mut U` if they are the same
/// type. Returns the passed value back if failed.
/// See module-level docs for usage example.
pub fn mutable<'a, T, U>(val: &'a mut T) -> Result<&'a mut U, &'a mut T>
    T: 'static,
    U: 'static,
    value::<'a, T, U, _, _>(val)

/// Cismutes `T` or a (possibly mutable) reference to `T` to `U` with the same
/// ownership, i.e. owned value is cismuted like with
/// [`cismute::owned`](owned()), reference is cismuted to reference and mutable
/// reference is cismuted to mutable reference, if they are the same type.
/// Returns the passed value back if failed.
/// See module-level docs for usage example.
pub fn value<'a, T, U, RefT, RefU>(val: RefT) -> Result<RefU, RefT>
    T: 'static,
    U: 'static,
    RefT: Cismutable<'a, T, U, RefU>,
    if TypeId::of::<T>() == TypeId::of::<U>() {
        // SAFETY: T and U are the same type
        Ok(unsafe { generic_transmute::<RefT, RefU>(val) })
    } else {

/// Cismutes `T` or a (possibly mutable) reference to `T` to the type specified
/// by the first argument while preserving ownership, i.e. owned value is
/// cismuted like with [`cismute::owned`](owned()), reference is cismuted to
/// reference and mutable reference is cismuted to mutable reference.
/// Returns the passed value back if failed.
/// **Note**: first argument specifies types `T` and `U`, not the reference
/// types.
/// See module-level docs for usage example.
pub fn value_with<'a, T, U, P, RefT, RefU>(_: P, val: RefT) -> Result<RefU, RefT>
    T: 'static,
    U: 'static,
    RefT: Cismutable<'a, T, U, RefU>,
    P: Phantom<(T, U)>,
    value::<T, U, RefT, RefU>(val)

/// Try to match `T` with several (up to 32) other types. This function requires
/// the `switch` feature, as it increases build time considerably.
/// ```rust
/// # use std::fmt::Debug;
/// fn specialized_function<T: Debug + 'static>(val: T) -> String {
///     cismute::switch(
///         val,
///         (
///             |x: i32| format!("got an i32: {x}"),
///             |x: char| format!("got a char: {x}"),
///         ),
///     )
///     .unwrap_or_else(|x| format!("got something else: {x:?}"))
/// }
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function(42_i32), "got an i32: 42");
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function('!'), "got a char: !");
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function([1, 2]), "got something else: [1, 2]");
/// ```
/// Switching on references requires specifying the source type. This is a
/// limitation of Rust type system.
/// ```rust
/// # use std::fmt::Debug;
/// use std::marker::PhantomData as X;
/// fn specialized_function<T: Debug + 'static>(val: &mut T) -> String {
///     cismute::switch(
///         val,
///         cismute::from(
///             X::<T>,
///             (
///                 |x: &mut i32| format!("got an i32: {x}"),
///                 |x: &mut char| format!("got a char: {x}"),
///             ),
///         ),
///     )
///     .unwrap_or_else(|x| format!("got something else: {x:?}"))
/// }
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function(&mut 42_i32), "got an i32: 42");
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function(&mut '!'), "got a char: !");
/// assert_eq!(
///     specialized_function(&mut [1, 2]),
///     "got something else: [1, 2]"
/// );
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "switch")]
pub fn switch<R, T, RefT, Args, Tuple>(val: RefT, branches: Tuple) -> Result<R, RefT>
    Tuple: Branches<R, T, RefT, Args>,

/// Helper function for [`switch()`].
#[cfg(feature = "switch")]
pub fn from<R, T, P, RefT, Args, Tuple>(_: P, branches: Tuple) -> impl Branches<R, T, RefT, Args>
    P: Phantom<T>,
    Tuple: Branches<R, T, RefT, Args>,

/// Try to match a value with any number of types. This macro _does not_ require
/// the `switch` feature.
/// ```rust
/// # use std::fmt::Debug;
/// fn specialized_function<T: Debug + 'static>(val: T) -> String {
///     cismute::switch!(val; T => {
///         x: i32 => format!("got an i32: {x}"),
///         x: char => format!("got a char: {x}"),
///     }).unwrap_or_else(|x| format!("got something else: {x:?}"))
/// }
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function(42_i32), "got an i32: 42");
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function('!'), "got a char: !");
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function([1, 2]), "got something else: [1, 2]");
/// ```
/// It can also be used with (possibly mutable) references:
/// ```rust
/// # use std::fmt::Debug;
/// fn specialized_function<T: Debug + 'static>(val: &mut T) -> String {
///     cismute::switch!(val; T => {
///         x: i32 => format!("got an i32: {x}"),
///         x: char => format!("got a char: {x}"),
///     }).unwrap_or_else(|x| format!("got something else: {x:?}"))
/// }
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function(&mut 42_i32), "got an i32: 42");
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function(&mut '!'), "got a char: !");
/// assert_eq!(specialized_function(&mut [1, 2]), "got something else: [1, 2]");
/// ````
macro_rules! switch {
    ($val:expr; $source:ty => { $($name:ident: $type:ty => $expr:expr),+ $(,)? }) => {
        match $val {
            val => loop {
                    let val = match $crate::value_with($crate::Pair::<($source, $type)>, val) {
                        Ok($name) => break Ok($expr),
                        Err(val) => val,

                break Err(val);