cicada 0.8.9

A simple Unix shell.
# Cicada Built-in Commands

## bg

Make stopped job runing in background. See also `fg`, `jobs`.

## cd

Change your current work directory.

## cinfo

Print information of cicada and OS.

## exec

If command is specified, it replaces the shell. No new process is created.
The arguments become the arguments to command.

## exit

Exit the current progress (the shell). Can exit with an extra code like:
`exit 2`.

## export

Change environment variables for current session. You can also use `export` in
`~/.cicadarc` file.

$ export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin"
$ export RUST_BACKTRACE=full
$ export PYTHONPATH=.

## fg

Bring background job into foreground. See also `bg`, `jobs`.

## history

List your recent history:
$ history
0: touch docs/
1: mvim docs/
2: find . -name '*.bk' | xargs rm
3: find . -name '*.bk'

Search history items (use `%` from SQL to match "anything"):
$ history curl
0: curl -x
1: curl -I

$ history 'curl%hugo'
0: curl -x

## jobs

Listing all jobs in [job control](
See also `bg`, `fg`.

## vox

First create your virtual envs under this directory:

Then use `vox` to enter them:
$ vox enter my-project
(my-project) $  # now you activated your env

List your envs under `$VIRTUALENV_HOME` dir:
$ vox ls

Exit (deactivate) your env:
(my-project) $ vox exit
$  # now you're clean