cicada 0.5.3

A simple Unix shell.
# Cicada Unix Shell

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Cicada is a simple, semi-toy Unix shell written in Rust. And I use it as
my default login shell.

## Features so far

### run programs and pipelines

$ ls | head -n3

$ echo foo bar | awk -F " " '{print $2, $1}'
bar foo

### with redirections

$ ls file-not-exist 2>&1 | wc > e.txt
$ cat e.txt
       1       7      46

### command substitution

$ ls -l `which sh`
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  630464 Mar 23 07:57 /bin/sh

### run multiple commands (with logical)

$ echo foo; echo bar

$ echo foo && echo bar

$ echo foo || echo bar

### shell expansions

$ echo sp{el,il,al}l
spell spill spall

$ echo $SHELL

$ echo *
Cargo.lock Cargo.toml LICENSE Makefile src target

### do math arithmetic directly in the shell!

$ 1 + 2 * 3 - 4
$ (1 + 2) * (3 - 4) / 8.0

## RC File

Cicada use RC file: "~/.cicadarc". Currently only support ENVs and aliases:

# A sample of RC file
export RUST_BACKTRACE='full'
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

alias ls="ls -G"
alias ll="ls -lh"

## Completions

Path completion is available out of box. In addition to this, cicada also
supports simplifed customized completion using YAML file. Put your completion
files under `~/.cicada/completers/`. The completion files look like this:

$ ls ~/.cicada/completers/
brew.yaml git.yaml  pip.yaml  vox.yaml

$ cat ~/.cicada/completers/brew.yaml
- doctor
- info
- install
- list
- search
- uninstall
- update
- upgrade

$ brew u<Tab><Tab>
uninstall  update  upgrade

Currently, cicada supports maximum 2 level completion:

$ cat ~/.cicada/completers/pip.yaml
- install:
    - --force-reinstall
    - -U
    - --upgrade
    - -r
    - --requirement
    - --user
- download
- uninstall
- freeze
- list
- show
- check
- search:
    - --no-cache-dir
    - --timeout
- wheel
- hash
- completion
- help

$ pip ins<Tab>
$ pip install

$ pip install --re<Tab>
$ pip install --requirement

## History

Shell history items are stored with sqlite database. Like bash, you can use
`Ctrl-R`, `Ctrl-P`, `Ctrl-N`, `Arrow-UP`, `Arrow-DOWN` keys to access history.

You can modify the settings of history related value in `~/.cicadarc`. These
values on the right side are the default ones.

export HISTORY_FILE="~/.local/share/cicada/history.sqlite"
export HISTORY_SIZE=9999
export HISTORY_TABLE="cicada_history"

## Install Cicada

Note: [Rust environment]( is needed for installation.

You can try `cicada` out without installing it by checking out the repository
and run `cargo run` in its root directory.

$ git clone
$ cd cicada
$ cargo run

### install from code repository

If you've checked out the cicada repository, you can do this:

$ make install

This will install `cicada` under your `/usr/local/bin`. Use `sudo` if needed.

### install via cargo crates

$ cargo install -f cicada

This will install cicada into `~/.cargo/bin/`.

### Set cicada as your login shell

Appending `/usr/local/bin/cicada` into your `/etc/shells`, then run
$ chsh -s /usr/local/bin/cicada

## To do list

- job controls (`Ctrl-Z`, `fg`, `bg` etc)
- and less...

## Won't do list

- functions
- Windows support
- and more...