chrono-tz 0.8.1

TimeZone implementations for chrono from the IANA database
use super::timezones::Tz;
use binary_search::binary_search;
use chrono::{Duration, FixedOffset, LocalResult, NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, Offset, TimeZone};
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use core::fmt::{Debug, Display, Error, Formatter};

/// An Offset that applies for a period of time
/// For example, [`::US::Eastern`] is composed of at least two
/// `FixedTimespan`s: `EST` and `EDT`, that are variously in effect.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct FixedTimespan {
    /// The base offset from UTC; this usually doesn't change unless the government changes something
    pub utc_offset: i32,
    /// The additional offset from UTC for this timespan; typically for daylight saving time
    pub dst_offset: i32,
    /// The name of this timezone, for example the difference between `EDT`/`EST`
    pub name: &'static str,

impl Offset for FixedTimespan {
    fn fix(&self) -> FixedOffset {
        FixedOffset::east(self.utc_offset + self.dst_offset)

impl Display for FixedTimespan {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> {
        write!(f, "{}",

impl Debug for FixedTimespan {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> {
        write!(f, "{}",

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TzOffset {
    tz: Tz,
    offset: FixedTimespan,

/// Detailed timezone offset components that expose any special conditions currently in effect.
/// This trait breaks down an offset into the standard UTC offset and any special offset
/// in effect (such as DST) at a given time.
/// ```
/// # extern crate chrono;
/// # extern crate chrono_tz;
/// use chrono::{Duration, Offset, TimeZone};
/// use chrono_tz::Europe::London;
/// use chrono_tz::OffsetComponents;
/// # fn main() {
/// let london_time = London.ymd(2016, 5, 10).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
/// // London typically has zero offset from UTC, but has a 1h adjustment forward
/// // when summer time is in effect.
/// let lon_utc_offset = london_time.offset().base_utc_offset();
/// let lon_dst_offset = london_time.offset().dst_offset();
/// let total_offset = lon_utc_offset + lon_dst_offset;
/// assert_eq!(lon_utc_offset, Duration::hours(0));
/// assert_eq!(lon_dst_offset, Duration::hours(1));
/// // As a sanity check, make sure that the total offsets added together are equivalent to the
/// // total fixed offset.
/// assert_eq!(total_offset.num_seconds(), london_time.offset().fix().local_minus_utc() as i64);
/// # }
/// ```
pub trait OffsetComponents {
    /// The base offset from UTC; this usually doesn't change unless the government changes something
    fn base_utc_offset(&self) -> Duration;
    /// The additional offset from UTC that is currently in effect; typically for daylight saving time
    fn dst_offset(&self) -> Duration;

/// Timezone offset name information.
/// This trait exposes display names that describe an offset in
/// various situations.
/// ```
/// # extern crate chrono;
/// # extern crate chrono_tz;
/// use chrono::{Duration, Offset, TimeZone};
/// use chrono_tz::Europe::London;
/// use chrono_tz::OffsetName;
/// # fn main() {
/// let london_time = London.ymd(2016, 2, 10).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
/// assert_eq!(london_time.offset().tz_id(), "Europe/London");
/// // London is normally on GMT
/// assert_eq!(london_time.offset().abbreviation(), "GMT");
/// let london_summer_time = London.ymd(2016, 5, 10).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
/// // The TZ ID remains constant year round
/// assert_eq!(london_summer_time.offset().tz_id(), "Europe/London");
/// // During the summer, this becomes British Summer Time
/// assert_eq!(london_summer_time.offset().abbreviation(), "BST");
/// # }
/// ```
pub trait OffsetName {
    /// The IANA TZDB identifier (ex: America/New_York)
    fn tz_id(&self) -> &str;
    /// The abbreviation to use in a longer timestamp (ex: EST)
    /// This takes into account any special offsets that may be in effect.
    /// For example, at a given instant, the time zone with ID *America/New_York*
    /// may be either *EST* or *EDT*.
    fn abbreviation(&self) -> &str;

impl TzOffset {
    fn new(tz: Tz, offset: FixedTimespan) -> Self {
        TzOffset { tz, offset }

    fn map_localresult(tz: Tz, result: LocalResult<FixedTimespan>) -> LocalResult<Self> {
        match result {
            LocalResult::None => LocalResult::None,
            LocalResult::Single(s) => LocalResult::Single(TzOffset::new(tz, s)),
            LocalResult::Ambiguous(a, b) => {
                LocalResult::Ambiguous(TzOffset::new(tz, a), TzOffset::new(tz, b))

impl OffsetComponents for TzOffset {
    fn base_utc_offset(&self) -> Duration {
        Duration::seconds(self.offset.utc_offset as i64)

    fn dst_offset(&self) -> Duration {
        Duration::seconds(self.offset.dst_offset as i64)

impl OffsetName for TzOffset {
    fn tz_id(&self) -> &str {

    fn abbreviation(&self) -> &str {

impl Offset for TzOffset {
    fn fix(&self) -> FixedOffset {

impl Display for TzOffset {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> {
        Display::fmt(&self.offset, f)

impl Debug for TzOffset {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> {
        Debug::fmt(&self.offset, f)

/// Represents the span of time that a given rule is valid for.
/// Note that I have made the assumption that all ranges are
/// left-inclusive and right-exclusive - that is to say,
/// if the clocks go forward by 1 hour at 1am, the time 1am
/// does not exist in local time (the clock goes from 00:59:59
/// to 02:00:00). Likewise, if the clocks go back by one hour
/// at 2am, the clock goes from 01:59:59 to 01:00:00. This is
/// an arbitrary choice, and I could not find a source to
/// confirm whether or not this is correct.
struct Span {
    begin: Option<i64>,
    end: Option<i64>,

impl Span {
    fn contains(&self, x: i64) -> bool {
        match (self.begin, self.end) {
            (Some(a), Some(b)) if a <= x && x < b => true,
            (Some(a), None) if a <= x => true,
            (None, Some(b)) if b > x => true,
            (None, None) => true,
            _ => false,

    fn cmp(&self, x: i64) -> Ordering {
        match (self.begin, self.end) {
            (Some(a), Some(b)) if a <= x && x < b => Ordering::Equal,
            (Some(a), Some(b)) if a <= x && b <= x => Ordering::Less,
            (Some(_), Some(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
            (Some(a), None) if a <= x => Ordering::Equal,
            (Some(_), None) => Ordering::Greater,
            (None, Some(b)) if b <= x => Ordering::Less,
            (None, Some(_)) => Ordering::Equal,
            (None, None) => Ordering::Equal,

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct FixedTimespanSet {
    pub first: FixedTimespan,
    pub rest: &'static [(i64, FixedTimespan)],

impl FixedTimespanSet {
    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        1 +

    fn utc_span(&self, index: usize) -> Span {
        debug_assert!(index < self.len());
        Span {
            begin: if index == 0 { None } else { Some([index - 1].0) },
            end: if index == { None } else { Some([index].0) },

    fn local_span(&self, index: usize) -> Span {
        debug_assert!(index < self.len());
        Span {
            begin: if index == 0 {
            } else {
                let span =[index - 1];
                Some(span.0 + span.1.utc_offset as i64 + span.1.dst_offset as i64)
            end: if index == {
            } else if index == 0 {
                        + self.first.utc_offset as i64
                        + self.first.dst_offset as i64,
            } else {
                        +[index - 1].1.utc_offset as i64
                        +[index - 1].1.dst_offset as i64,

    fn get(&self, index: usize) -> FixedTimespan {
        debug_assert!(index < self.len());
        if index == 0 {
        } else {
  [index - 1].1

pub trait TimeSpans {
    fn timespans(&self) -> FixedTimespanSet;

impl TimeZone for Tz {
    type Offset = TzOffset;

    fn from_offset(offset: &Self::Offset) -> Self {

    fn offset_from_local_date(&self, local: &NaiveDate) -> LocalResult<Self::Offset> {
        let earliest = self.offset_from_local_datetime(&local.and_hms(0, 0, 0));
        let latest = self.offset_from_local_datetime(&local.and_hms(23, 59, 59));
        // From the chrono docs:
        // > This type should be considered ambiguous at best, due to the inherent lack of
        // > precision required for the time zone resolution. There are some guarantees on the usage
        // > of `Date<Tz>`:
        // > - If properly constructed via `TimeZone::ymd` and others without an error,
        // >   the corresponding local date should exist for at least a moment.
        // >   (It may still have a gap from the offset changes.)
        // > - The `TimeZone` is free to assign *any* `Offset` to the local date,
        // >   as long as that offset did occur in given day.
        // >   For example, if `2015-03-08T01:59-08:00` is followed by `2015-03-08T03:00-07:00`,
        // >   it may produce either `2015-03-08-08:00` or `2015-03-08-07:00`
        // >   but *not* `2015-03-08+00:00` and others.
        // > - Once constructed as a full `DateTime`,
        // >   `DateTime::date` and other associated methods should return those for the original `Date`.
        // >   For example, if `dt = tz.ymd(y,m,d).hms(h,n,s)` were valid, ` == tz.ymd(y,m,d)`.
        // > - The date is timezone-agnostic up to one day (i.e. practically always),
        // >   so the local date and UTC date should be equal for most cases
        // >   even though the raw calculation between `NaiveDate` and `Duration` may not.
        // For these reasons we return always a single offset here if we can, rather than being
        // technically correct and returning Ambiguous(_,_) on days when the clock changes. The
        // alternative is painful errors when computing unambiguous times such as
        // `TimeZone.ymd(ambiguous_date).hms(unambiguous_time)`.
        use chrono::LocalResult::*;
        match (earliest, latest) {
            (result @ Single(_), _) => result,
            (_, result @ Single(_)) => result,
            (Ambiguous(offset, _), _) => Single(offset),
            (_, Ambiguous(offset, _)) => Single(offset),
            (None, None) => None,

    // First search for a timespan that the local datetime falls into, then, if it exists,
    // check the two surrounding timespans (if they exist) to see if there is any ambiguity.
    fn offset_from_local_datetime(&self, local: &NaiveDateTime) -> LocalResult<Self::Offset> {
        let timestamp = local.timestamp();
        let timespans = self.timespans();
        let index = binary_search(0, timespans.len(), |i| timespans.local_span(i).cmp(timestamp));
            match index {
                Ok(0) if timespans.len() == 1 => LocalResult::Single(timespans.get(0)),
                Ok(0) if timespans.local_span(1).contains(timestamp) => {
                    LocalResult::Ambiguous(timespans.get(0), timespans.get(1))
                Ok(0) => LocalResult::Single(timespans.get(0)),
                Ok(i) if timespans.local_span(i - 1).contains(timestamp) => {
                    LocalResult::Ambiguous(timespans.get(i - 1), timespans.get(i))
                Ok(i) if i == timespans.len() - 1 => LocalResult::Single(timespans.get(i)),
                Ok(i) if timespans.local_span(i + 1).contains(timestamp) => {
                    LocalResult::Ambiguous(timespans.get(i), timespans.get(i + 1))
                Ok(i) => LocalResult::Single(timespans.get(i)),
                Err(_) => LocalResult::None,

    fn offset_from_utc_date(&self, utc: &NaiveDate) -> Self::Offset {
        // See comment above for why it is OK to just take any arbitrary time in the day
        self.offset_from_utc_datetime(&utc.and_hms(12, 0, 0))

    // Binary search for the required timespan. Any i64 is guaranteed to fall within
    // exactly one timespan, no matter what (so the `unwrap` is safe).
    fn offset_from_utc_datetime(&self, utc: &NaiveDateTime) -> Self::Offset {
        let timestamp = utc.timestamp();
        let timespans = self.timespans();
        let index =
            binary_search(0, timespans.len(), |i| timespans.utc_span(i).cmp(timestamp)).unwrap();
        TzOffset::new(*self, timespans.get(index))