chrono-tz 0.6.3

TimeZone implementations for rust-chrono from the IANA database
//! # Chrono-TZ 0.4.1
//! `Chrono-TZ` is a library that provides implementors of the
//! [`TimeZone`][timezone] trait for [`rust-chrono`][chrono]. The
//! impls are generated by a build script using the [`IANA database`][iana]
//! and [`zoneinfo_parse`][zoneinfo_parse].
//! [chrono]:
//! [timezone]:
//! [iana]:
//! [zoneinfo_parse]:
//! ## Usage
//! Put this in your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! chrono = "0.4"
//! chrono-tz = "0.4"
//! ```
//! If you want Serde support, specify it like this:
//! ```toml
//! chrono-tz = { version = "0.4", features = ["serde"] }
//! ```
//! Then you will need to write (in your crate root):
//! ```
//! extern crate chrono;
//! extern crate chrono_tz;
//! ```
//! ## Examples
//! Create a time in one timezone and convert it to UTC
//! ```
//! # extern crate chrono;
//! # extern crate chrono_tz;
//! use chrono::{TimeZone, Utc};
//! use chrono_tz::US::Pacific;
//! # fn main() {
//! let pacific_time = Pacific.ymd(1990, 5, 6).and_hms(12, 30, 45);
//! let utc_time = pacific_time.with_timezone(&Utc);
//! assert_eq!(utc_time, Utc.ymd(1990, 5, 6).and_hms(19, 30, 45));
//! # }
//! ```
//! Create a naive datetime and convert it to a timezone-aware datetime
//! ```
//! # extern crate chrono;
//! # extern crate chrono_tz;
//! use chrono::{TimeZone, NaiveDate};
//! use chrono_tz::Africa::Johannesburg;
//! # fn main() {
//! let naive_dt = NaiveDate::from_ymd(2038, 1, 19).and_hms(3, 14, 08);
//! let tz_aware = Johannesburg.from_local_datetime(&naive_dt).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(tz_aware.to_string(), "2038-01-19 03:14:08 SAST");
//! # }
//! ```
//! London and New York change their clocks on different days in March
//! so only have a 4-hour difference on certain days.
//! ```
//! # extern crate chrono;
//! # extern crate chrono_tz;
//! use chrono::TimeZone;
//! use chrono_tz::Europe::London;
//! use chrono_tz::America::New_York;
//! # fn main() {
//! let london_time = London.ymd(2016, 3, 18).and_hms(3, 0, 0);
//! let ny_time = london_time.with_timezone(&New_York);
//! assert_eq!(ny_time, New_York.ymd(2016, 3, 17).and_hms(23, 0, 0));
//! # }
//! ```
//! Adding 24 hours across a daylight savings change causes a change
//! in local time
//! ```
//! # extern crate chrono;
//! # extern crate chrono_tz;
//! use chrono::{TimeZone, Duration};
//! use chrono_tz::Europe::London;
//! # fn main() {
//! let dt = London.ymd(2016, 10, 29).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
//! let later = dt + Duration::hours(24);
//! assert_eq!(later, London.ymd(2016, 10, 30).and_hms(11, 0, 0));
//! # }
//! ```
//! And of course you can always convert a local time to a unix timestamp
//! ```
//! # extern crate chrono;
//! # extern crate chrono_tz;
//! use chrono::TimeZone;
//! use chrono_tz::Asia::Kolkata;
//! # fn main() {
//! let dt = Kolkata.ymd(2000, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0);
//! let timestamp = dt.timestamp();
//! assert_eq!(timestamp, 946665000);
//! # }
//! ```
//! Pretty-printing a string will use the correct abbreviation for the timezone
//! ```
//! # extern crate chrono;
//! # extern crate chrono_tz;
//! use chrono::TimeZone;
//! use chrono_tz::Europe::London;
//! # fn main() {
//! let dt = London.ymd(2016, 5, 10).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
//! assert_eq!(dt.to_string(), "2016-05-10 12:00:00 BST");
//! assert_eq!(dt.to_rfc3339(), "2016-05-10T12:00:00+01:00");
//! # }
//! ```
//! You can convert a timezone string to a timezone using the FromStr trait
//! ```
//! # extern crate chrono;
//! # extern crate chrono_tz;
//! use chrono::TimeZone;
//! use chrono_tz::Tz;
//! use chrono_tz::UTC;
//! # fn main() {
//! let tz: Tz = "Antarctica/South_Pole".parse().unwrap();
//! let dt = tz.ymd(2016, 10, 22).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
//! let utc = dt.with_timezone(&UTC);
//! assert_eq!(utc.to_string(), "2016-10-21 23:00:00 UTC");
//! # }
//! ```
//! If you need to iterate over all variants you can use the TZ_VARIANTS array
//! ```
//! use chrono_tz::{TZ_VARIANTS, Tz};
//! assert!(TZ_VARIANTS.iter().any(|v| *v == Tz::UTC));
//! ```

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
extern crate std as core;

extern crate chrono;
extern crate phf;
#[cfg(feature = "case-insensitive")]
extern crate uncased;

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
mod serde;

mod binary_search;
mod directory;
mod timezone_impl;
mod timezones;

pub use directory::*;
pub use timezone_impl::{OffsetComponents, OffsetName};
pub use timezones::ParseError;
pub use timezones::Tz;
pub use timezones::TZ_VARIANTS;

mod tests {
    use super::America::Danmarkshavn;
    use super::Asia::Dhaka;
    use super::Australia::Adelaide;
    use super::Europe::Amsterdam;
    use super::Europe::Berlin;
    use super::Europe::London;
    use super::Europe::Moscow;
    use super::Europe::Vilnius;
    use super::Europe::Warsaw;
    use super::Pacific::Apia;
    use super::Pacific::Noumea;
    use super::Pacific::Tahiti;
    use super::Tz;
    use super::US::Eastern;
    use super::UTC;
    use chrono::{Duration, TimeZone};

    fn london_to_berlin() {
        let dt = London.ymd(2016, 10, 8).and_hms(17, 0, 0);
        let converted = dt.with_timezone(&Berlin);
        let expected = Berlin.ymd(2016, 10, 8).and_hms(18, 0, 0);
        assert_eq!(converted, expected);

    fn us_eastern_dst_commutativity() {
        let dt = UTC.ymd(2002, 4, 7).and_hms(7, 0, 0);
        for days in -420..720 {
            let dt1 = (dt + Duration::days(days)).with_timezone(&Eastern);
            let dt2 = dt.with_timezone(&Eastern) + Duration::days(days);
            assert_eq!(dt1, dt2);

    fn test_addition_across_dst_boundary() {
        use chrono::TimeZone;
        let two_hours = Duration::hours(2);
        let edt = Eastern.ymd(2019, 11, 3).and_hms(0, 0, 0);
        let est = edt + two_hours;

        assert_eq!(edt.to_string(), "2019-11-03 00:00:00 EDT".to_string());
        assert_eq!(est.to_string(), "2019-11-03 01:00:00 EST".to_string());
        assert_eq!(est.timestamp(), edt.timestamp() + two_hours.num_seconds());

    fn warsaw_tz_name() {
        let dt = UTC.ymd(1915, 8, 4).and_hms(22, 35, 59);
        assert_eq!(dt.with_timezone(&Warsaw).format("%Z").to_string(), "WMT");
        let dt = dt + Duration::seconds(1);
        assert_eq!(dt.with_timezone(&Warsaw).format("%Z").to_string(), "CET");

    fn vilnius_utc_offset() {
        let dt = UTC.ymd(1916, 12, 31).and_hms(22, 35, 59).with_timezone(&Vilnius);
        assert_eq!(dt, Vilnius.ymd(1916, 12, 31).and_hms(23, 59, 59));
        let dt = dt + Duration::seconds(1);
        assert_eq!(dt, Vilnius.ymd(1917, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 11, 36));

    fn victorian_times() {
        let dt = UTC.ymd(1847, 12, 1).and_hms(0, 1, 14).with_timezone(&London);
        assert_eq!(dt, London.ymd(1847, 11, 30).and_hms(23, 59, 59));
        let dt = dt + Duration::seconds(1);
        assert_eq!(dt, London.ymd(1847, 12, 1).and_hms(0, 1, 15));

    fn london_dst() {
        let dt = London.ymd(2016, 3, 10).and_hms(5, 0, 0);
        let later = dt + Duration::days(180);
        let expected = London.ymd(2016, 9, 6).and_hms(6, 0, 0);
        assert_eq!(later, expected);

    fn international_date_line_change() {
        let dt = UTC.ymd(2011, 12, 30).and_hms(9, 59, 59).with_timezone(&Apia);
        assert_eq!(dt, Apia.ymd(2011, 12, 29).and_hms(23, 59, 59));
        let dt = dt + Duration::seconds(1);
        assert_eq!(dt, Apia.ymd(2011, 12, 31).and_hms(0, 0, 0));

    fn negative_offset_with_minutes_and_seconds() {
        let dt = UTC.ymd(1900, 1, 1).and_hms(12, 0, 0).with_timezone(&Danmarkshavn);
        assert_eq!(dt, Danmarkshavn.ymd(1900, 1, 1).and_hms(10, 45, 20));

    fn monotonicity() {
        let mut dt = Noumea.ymd(1800, 1, 1).and_hms(12, 0, 0);
        for _ in 0..24 * 356 * 400 {
            let new = dt + Duration::hours(1);
            assert!(new > dt);
            assert!(new.with_timezone(&UTC) > dt.with_timezone(&UTC));
            dt = new;

    fn test_inverse<T: TimeZone>(tz: T, begin: i32, end: i32) {
        for y in begin..end {
            for d in 1..366 {
                for h in 0..24 {
                    for m in 0..60 {
                        let dt = UTC.yo(y, d).and_hms(h, m, 0);
                        let with_tz = dt.with_timezone(&tz);
                        let utc = with_tz.with_timezone(&UTC);
                        assert_eq!(dt, utc);

    fn inverse_london() {
        test_inverse(London, 1989, 1994);

    fn inverse_dhaka() {
        test_inverse(Dhaka, 1995, 2000);

    fn inverse_apia() {
        test_inverse(Apia, 2011, 2012);

    fn inverse_tahiti() {
        test_inverse(Tahiti, 1911, 1914);

    fn string_representation() {
        let dt = UTC.ymd(2000, 9, 1).and_hms(12, 30, 15).with_timezone(&Adelaide);
        assert_eq!(dt.to_string(), "2000-09-01 22:00:15 ACST");
        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", dt), "2000-09-01T22:00:15ACST");
        assert_eq!(dt.to_rfc3339(), "2000-09-01T22:00:15+09:30");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", dt), "2000-09-01 22:00:15 ACST");

    fn tahiti() {
        let dt = UTC.ymd(1912, 10, 1).and_hms(9, 58, 16).with_timezone(&Tahiti);
        let before = dt - Duration::hours(1);
        assert_eq!(before, Tahiti.ymd(1912, 9, 30).and_hms(23, 0, 0));
        let after = dt + Duration::hours(1);
        assert_eq!(after, Tahiti.ymd(1912, 10, 1).and_hms(0, 58, 16));

    fn second_offsets() {
        let dt = UTC.ymd(1914, 1, 1).and_hms(13, 40, 28).with_timezone(&Amsterdam);
        assert_eq!(dt.to_string(), "1914-01-01 14:00:00 AMT");

        // NOTE: pytz will give a different result here. The actual offset is +00:19:32.
        //       The implementation of RFC3339 formatting in chrono rounds down the
        //       number of minutes, whereas pytz rounds to nearest in cases such as this.
        //       RFC3339 specifies that precision is not required in this case, and that
        //       to retain precision, the time should be converted to a representable
        //       format.
        //       In any case, the actual datetime objects themselves always retain full
        //       precision in this implementation (unlike pytz). It is only (some) string
        //       representations that lack precision.
        assert_eq!(dt.to_rfc3339(), "1914-01-01T14:00:00+00:19");

    fn nonexistent_time() {
        let _ = London.ymd(2016, 3, 27).and_hms(1, 30, 0);

    fn nonexistent_time_2() {
        let _ = London.ymd(2016, 3, 27).and_hms(1, 0, 0);

    fn time_exists() {
        let _ = London.ymd(2016, 3, 27).and_hms(2, 0, 0);

    fn ambiguous_time() {
        let _ = London.ymd(2016, 10, 30).and_hms(1, 0, 0);

    fn ambiguous_time_2() {
        let _ = London.ymd(2016, 10, 30).and_hms(1, 30, 0);

    fn ambiguous_time_3() {
        let _ = Moscow.ymd(2014, 10, 26).and_hms(1, 30, 0);

    fn ambiguous_time_4() {
        let _ = Moscow.ymd(2014, 10, 26).and_hms(1, 0, 0);

    fn unambiguous_time() {
        let _ = London.ymd(2016, 10, 30).and_hms(2, 0, 0);

    fn unambiguous_time_2() {
        let _ = Moscow.ymd(2014, 10, 26).and_hms(2, 0, 0);

    fn test_get_name() {
        assert_eq!(, "Europe/London");
        assert_eq!(, "Africa/Abidjan");
        assert_eq!(, "UTC");
        assert_eq!(, "Zulu");

    fn test_display() {
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", London), "Europe/London");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", Tz::Africa__Abidjan), "Africa/Abidjan");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", Tz::UTC), "UTC");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", Tz::Zulu), "Zulu");

    fn test_impl_hash() {
        struct Foo(Tz);