Module chrome_remote_interface_model::page[][src]

This is supported on crate features Page and Debugger and DOM and IO and Network and Runtime only.
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Actions and events related to the inspected page belong to the page domain.


Seeds compilation cache for given url. Compilation cache does not survive cross-process navigation.

Seeds compilation cache for given url. Compilation cache does not survive cross-process navigation.


Deprecated, please use addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead.


Deprecated, please use addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead.

Evaluates given script in every frame upon creation (before loading frame’s scripts).

Evaluates given script in every frame upon creation (before loading frame’s scripts).

Error while paring app manifest.

Parsed app manifest properties.

Brings page to front (activates tab).

Brings page to front (activates tab).

Capture page screenshot.

Capture page screenshot.

Returns a snapshot of the page as a string. For MHTML format, the serialization includes iframes, shadow DOM, external resources, and element-inline styles.

Returns a snapshot of the page as a string. For MHTML format, the serialization includes iframes, shadow DOM, external resources, and element-inline styles.

Clears seeded compilation cache.

Clears seeded compilation cache.


Clears the overriden device metrics.


Clears the overriden device metrics.

Clears the overridden Device Orientation.

Clears the overridden Device Orientation.

Clears the overriden Geolocation Position and Error.

Clears the overriden Geolocation Position and Error.


Tries to close page, running its beforeunload hooks, if any.


Tries to close page, running its beforeunload hooks, if any.

Per-script compilation cache parameters for Page.produceCompilationCache

Issued for every compilation cache generated. Is only available if Page.setGenerateCompilationCache is enabled.


Crashes renderer on the IO thread, generates minidumps.


Crashes renderer on the IO thread, generates minidumps.

Creates an isolated world for the given frame.

Creates an isolated world for the given frame.


Deletes browser cookie with given name, domain and path.


Deletes browser cookie with given name, domain and path.

Disables page domain notifications.

Disables page domain notifications.

Fired when opening document to write to.


Fired when download makes progress. Last call has |done| == true. Deprecated. Use Browser.downloadProgress instead.


Fired when page is about to start a download. Deprecated. Use Browser.downloadWillBegin instead.


Enables page domain notifications.

Enables page domain notifications.

Emitted only when page.interceptFileChooser is enabled.


Generic font families collection.


Default font sizes.

Information about the Frame on the page.

Fired when frame has been attached to its parent.

Fired when frame no longer has a scheduled navigation.

Fired when frame has been detached from its parent.

Unique frame identifier.

Fired once navigation of the frame has completed. Frame is now associated with the new loader.

Fired when a renderer-initiated navigation is requested. Navigation may still be cancelled after the event is issued.


Information about the Resource on the page.


Information about the Frame hierarchy along with their cached resources.

Fired when frame schedules a potential navigation.

Fired when frame has started loading.

Fired when frame has stopped loading.

Information about the Frame hierarchy.

Generates a report for testing.

Generates a report for testing.


Returns all browser cookies. Depending on the backend support, will return detailed cookie information in the cookies field.


Returns all browser cookies. Depending on the backend support, will return detailed cookie information in the cookies field.

Returns present frame tree structure.

Returns present frame tree structure.

Returns metrics relating to the layouting of the page, such as viewport bounds/scale.

Returns metrics relating to the layouting of the page, such as viewport bounds/scale.

Returns navigation history for the current page.

Returns navigation history for the current page.

Get Permissions Policy state on given frame.

Get Permissions Policy state on given frame.

Returns content of the given resource.

Returns content of the given resource.

Returns present frame / resource tree structure.

Returns present frame / resource tree structure.

Accepts or dismisses a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload).

Accepts or dismisses a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload).

The installability error

Fired when interstitial page was hidden

Fired when interstitial page was shown

Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) has been closed.

Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) is about to open.

Layout viewport position and dimensions.

Fired for top level page lifecycle events such as navigation, load, paint, etc.

Navigates current page to the given URL.

Navigates current page to the given URL.

Navigates current page to the given history entry.

Navigates current page to the given history entry.

Fired when same-document navigation happens, e.g. due to history API usage or anchor navigation.

Navigation history entry.

Print page as PDF.

Print page as PDF.

Requests backend to produce compilation cache for the specified scripts. Unlike setProduceCompilationCache, this allows client to only produce cache for specific scripts. scripts are appeneded to the list of scripts for which the cache for would produced. Disabling compilation cache with setProduceCompilationCache would reset all pending cache requests. The list may also be reset during page navigation. When script with a matching URL is encountered, the cache is optionally produced upon backend discretion, based on internal heuristics. See also: Page.compilationCacheProduced.

Requests backend to produce compilation cache for the specified scripts. Unlike setProduceCompilationCache, this allows client to only produce cache for specific scripts. scripts are appeneded to the list of scripts for which the cache for would produced. Disabling compilation cache with setProduceCompilationCache would reset all pending cache requests. The list may also be reset during page navigation. When script with a matching URL is encountered, the cache is optionally produced upon backend discretion, based on internal heuristics. See also: Page.compilationCacheProduced.

Reloads given page optionally ignoring the cache.

Reloads given page optionally ignoring the cache.

Deprecated, please use removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead.

Deprecated, please use removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead.

Removes given script from the list.

Removes given script from the list.

Resets navigation history for the current page.

Resets navigation history for the current page.

Acknowledges that a screencast frame has been received by the frontend.

Acknowledges that a screencast frame has been received by the frontend.

Compressed image data requested by the startScreencast.

Screencast frame metadata.

Fired when the page with currently enabled screencast was shown or hidden `.

Unique script identifier.

Searches for given string in resource content.

Searches for given string in resource content.

Enable Chrome’s experimental ad filter on all sites.

Enable Chrome’s experimental ad filter on all sites.

Enable page Content Security Policy by-passing.


Enable page Content Security Policy by-passing.


Overrides the values of device screen dimensions (window.screen.width, window.screen.height, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, and “device-width”/“device-height”-related CSS media query results).


Overrides the values of device screen dimensions (window.screen.width, window.screen.height, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, and “device-width”/“device-height”-related CSS media query results).

Overrides the Device Orientation.

Overrides the Device Orientation.

Sets given markup as the document’s HTML.

Sets given markup as the document’s HTML.


Set the behavior when downloading a file.


Set the behavior when downloading a file.

Set generic font families.

Set generic font families.

Set default font sizes.


Set default font sizes.

Overrides the Geolocation Position or Error. Omitting any of the parameters emulates position unavailable.

Overrides the Geolocation Position or Error. Omitting any of the parameters emulates position unavailable.

Intercept file chooser requests and transfer control to protocol clients. When file chooser interception is enabled, native file chooser dialog is not shown. Instead, a protocol event Page.fileChooserOpened is emitted.

Intercept file chooser requests and transfer control to protocol clients. When file chooser interception is enabled, native file chooser dialog is not shown. Instead, a protocol event Page.fileChooserOpened is emitted.

Controls whether page will emit lifecycle events.

Controls whether page will emit lifecycle events.

Forces compilation cache to be generated for every subresource script. See also: Page.produceCompilationCache.

Forces compilation cache to be generated for every subresource script. See also: Page.produceCompilationCache.


Toggles mouse event-based touch event emulation.


Toggles mouse event-based touch event emulation.

Tries to update the web lifecycle state of the page. It will transition the page to the given state according to:

Tries to update the web lifecycle state of the page. It will transition the page to the given state according to:

Starts sending each frame using the screencastFrame event.

Starts sending each frame using the screencastFrame event.

Force the page stop all navigations and pending resource fetches.

Force the page stop all navigations and pending resource fetches.

Stops sending each frame in the screencastFrame.

Stops sending each frame in the screencastFrame.

Viewport for capturing screenshot.

Visual viewport position, dimensions, and scale.

Pauses page execution. Can be resumed using generic Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger.

Pauses page execution. Can be resumed using generic Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger.

Fired when a new window is going to be opened, via, link click, form submission, etc.
