choices 0.1.1

HTTP configuration service by defining a struct.

Easy HTTP configuration library.

choices is a library that lets you expose your application's configuration over HTTP with a simple struct!


Given the following code:

use choices::Choices;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

struct Config {
debug: bool,
id: Option<i32>,
log_file: String,

lazy_static! {
static ref CONFIG: Arc<Mutex<Config>> = {
Arc::new(Mutex::new(Config {
debug: false,
id: Some(3),
log_file: "log.txt".to_string()

async fn main() {, 8081)).await;

You can see all configuration fields at localhost:8081/config and the individual fields' values at localhost:8081/config/<field name>
A field's value can be changed with a PUT, for instance curl -X PUT localhost:8081/config/debug -d "true".