chocodye 1.1.1

A Rust library for changing the color of the chocobos' plumage in Final Fantasy XIV.


A Rust library for changing the color of the chocobos' plumage in Final Fantasy XIV.

Current version License Minimum Supported Rust Version Documentation

This repository also includes language-agnostic files such as dyes.xml and Fluent translation lists. Furthermore, a live version using WebAssembly is available on this web page.


Latest version:

Cargo Features

  • fluent: enables localization through Fluent.
  • truecolor: enables text to be colored in the terminal.


List of colors:

cargo run --example truecolor -- en

Result of running the truecolor example

Sample menu:

cargo run --example menu -- en

Result of running the menu example

The displayed language can be changed by replacing en with fr, de or jp. Please note that for colors to be displayed under Windows, this command must first be run:

set COLORTERM=truecolor

See the documentation for chocodye::ansi_text.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.