chksum-ffi 0.1.0-rc3

FFI bindings for chksum library.

chksum-ffi LICENSE

Basic FFI bindings which allows to use chksum library in other languages.

Available bindings

Bindings are available for both md5 and sha1 hash functions.

Binding Description
chksum_hash_*_new() Create new instance of hash.
chksum_hash_*_update(hash, data, length) Update hash with incoming data. Function processes only full blocks of data and doesn't apply padding.
chksum_hash_*_digest(hash) Return hash raw digest. You need to free memory on your own.
chksum_hash_*_hexdigest(hash) Return hash digest as hex string. You need to free memory on your own.
chksum_hash_*_drop(hash) Drop memory of hash structure.