chip8_vm 0.0.2

Virtual machine for the CHIP-8 programming language
Virtual Machine for the CHIP-8 programming language
This crate implements a virtual machine of the CHIP-8 programming language. It
can be used as the back end for CHIP-8 emulator projects / debuggers etc.

* All 35 original Chip-8 instructions are implemented.

This crate does not depend on additional system libraries, it only depends on
other Rust crates.  It can be used as a back end for your own emulator by
adding it as a dependency in your `Cargo.toml`.

To depend on the latest released version that we host on [] (

chip8_vm = "0.*"

To depend on the development version:
git = ""

See an example integration with a UI in the [chip8_ui]( crate code.
For further information, take a look at the [`chip8_vm` rustdoc](

These two resources were used as the spec for this vm:
* [Cowgod's Chip-8 Technical Reference v1.0]
* [Mastering Chip-8 By Matthew Mikolay]

They were both incredibly helpful. Our thanks to the authors!
