chinillaclvm_tools_rs 0.1.25

tools for working with chinillalisp language; compiler, repl, python and wasm bindings
// #[allow(clippy::borrow_deref_ref)]
// Eventually this can be downgraded and applied just to compile_chinillaclvm
// re:
use pyo3::exceptions::PyException;
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::types::{PyDict, PyString, PyTuple};

use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver, Sender};
use std::thread;

use chinillaclvm_rs::allocator::Allocator;

use crate::classic::chinillaclvm::__type_compatibility__::Stream;
use crate::classic::chinillaclvm_tools::chinillaclvmc;
use crate::classic::chinillaclvm_tools::cmds;
use crate::classic::chinillaclvm_tools::stages::stage_0::DefaultProgramRunner;
use crate::compiler::chinillaclvm::start_step;
use crate::compiler::cldb::{
    hex_to_modern_sexp, CldbOverrideBespokeCode, CldbRun, CldbRunEnv, CldbSingleBespokeOverride,
use crate::compiler::prims;
use crate::compiler::runtypes::RunFailure;
use crate::compiler::sexp::SExp;
use crate::compiler::srcloc::Srcloc;

use crate::py::pyval::{chinillaclvm_value_to_python, python_value_to_chinillaclvm};

create_exception!(mymodule, CldbError, PyException);

// Thanks:
fn get_version() -> PyResult<String> {

#[pyfunction(arg3 = "[]", arg4 = "None")]
fn compile_chinillaclvm(
    input_path: &PyAny,
    output_path: String,
    search_paths: Vec<String>,
    export_symbols: Option<bool>,
) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
    let has_atom = input_path.hasattr("atom")?;
    let has_pair = input_path.hasattr("pair")?;

    let real_input_path = if has_atom {
        input_path.getattr("atom").and_then(|x| x.str())
    } else if has_pair {
            .and_then(|x| x.get_item(0))
            .and_then(|x| x.str())
    } else {

    let mut path_string = real_input_path.to_string();

    if !std::path::Path::new(&path_string).exists() && !path_string.ends_with(".chinillaclvm") {
        path_string += ".chinillaclvm";

    let mut symbols = HashMap::new();
    let compiled = chinillaclvmc::compile_chinillaclvm(
        &mut symbols,

    Python::with_gil(|py| {
        if export_symbols == Some(true) {
            let mut result_dict = HashMap::new();
            result_dict.insert("output".to_string(), compiled.into_py(py));
            result_dict.insert("symbols".to_string(), symbols.into_py(py));
        } else {

struct PythonRunStep {
    ended: bool,

    tx: Sender<bool>,
    rx: Receiver<(bool, Option<BTreeMap<String, String>>)>,

fn runstep(myself: &mut PythonRunStep) -> PyResult<Option<PyObject>> {
    if myself.ended {
        return Ok(None);

    // Let the runner know we want another step.
        .map_err(|_e| CldbError::new_err("error sending to service thread"))?;

    // Receive the step result.
    let res = myself
        .map_err(|_e| CldbError::new_err("error receiving from service thread"))?;
    if res.0 {
        myself.ended = true;

    // Return a dict if one was returned.
    let dict_result =|m| {
        Python::with_gil(|py| {
            let dict = PyDict::new(py);
            for (k, v) in m.iter() {
                let _ = dict.set_item(PyString::new(py, k), PyString::new(py, v));

impl PythonRunStep {
    fn is_ended(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {

    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // If we can't send here then there's probably nothing we can do anyway.
        let _ = self.tx.send(true);

    fn step(&mut self, py: Python) -> PyResult<Option<PyObject>> {
        py.allow_threads(|| runstep(self))

struct CldbSinglePythonOverride {
    pycode: Py<PyAny>,

impl CldbSinglePythonOverride {
    fn new(pycode: &Py<PyAny>) -> Self {
        CldbSinglePythonOverride {
            pycode: pycode.clone(),

impl CldbSingleBespokeOverride for CldbSinglePythonOverride {
    fn get_override(&self, env: Rc<SExp>) -> Result<Rc<SExp>, RunFailure> {
        Python::with_gil(|py| {
            let arg_value = chinillaclvm_value_to_python(py, env.clone());
            let res = self
                .call1(py, PyTuple::new(py, &vec![arg_value]))
                .map_err(|e| RunFailure::RunErr(env.loc(), format!("{}", e)))?;
            python_value_to_chinillaclvm(py, res)

#[pyfunction(arg4 = "None")]
fn start_chinillaclvm_program(
    hex_prog: String,
    hex_args: String,
    symbol_table: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
    overrides: Option<HashMap<String, Py<PyAny>>>,
) -> PyResult<PythonRunStep> {
    let (command_tx, command_rx) = mpsc::channel();
    let (result_tx, result_rx) = mpsc::channel();

    thread::spawn(move || {
        let mut allocator = Allocator::new();
        let runner = Rc::new(DefaultProgramRunner::new());
        let mut prim_map = HashMap::new();
        let cmd_input = command_rx;
        let result_output = result_tx;
        let prog_srcloc = Srcloc::start("*program*");
        let args_srcloc = Srcloc::start("*args*");

        for p in prims::prims().iter() {
            prim_map.insert(p.0.clone(), Rc::new(p.1.clone()));

        let use_symbol_table = symbol_table.unwrap_or_default();
        let program =
            match hex_to_modern_sexp(&mut allocator, &use_symbol_table, prog_srcloc, &hex_prog) {
                Ok(v) => v,
                Err(_) => {
        let args = match hex_to_modern_sexp(&mut allocator, &HashMap::new(), args_srcloc, &hex_args)
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(_) => {

        let mut overrides_table: HashMap<String, Box<dyn CldbSingleBespokeOverride>> =
        if let Some(t) = overrides {
            for (k, v) in t.iter() {
                let override_fun_callable = CldbSinglePythonOverride::new(v);
                overrides_table.insert(k.clone(), Box::new(override_fun_callable));
        let override_runnable = CldbOverrideBespokeCode::new(use_symbol_table, overrides_table);

        let step = start_step(program, args);
        let cldbenv = CldbRunEnv::new(None, vec![], Box::new(override_runnable));
        let mut cldbrun = CldbRun::new(runner, Rc::new(prim_map), Box::new(cldbenv), step);
        loop {
            match cmd_input.recv() {
                Ok(end_run) => {
                    if end_run || cldbrun.is_ended() {
                        let _ = result_output.send((true, None));

                    let result = cldbrun.step(&mut allocator);
                    let is_ended = cldbrun.is_ended();
                    match result_output.send((is_ended, result)) {
                        Ok(_) => {}
                        Err(_) => {
                Err(_) => {
                    let _ = result_output.send((true, None));

    Ok(PythonRunStep {
        ended: false,
        tx: command_tx,
        rx: result_rx,

#[pyfunction(arg3 = 2)]
fn launch_tool(tool_name: String, args: Vec<String>, default_stage: u32) -> Vec<u8> {
    let mut stdout = Stream::new(None);
    cmds::launch_tool(&mut stdout, &args, &tool_name, default_stage);
    return stdout.get_value().data().clone();

fn chinillaclvm_tools_rs(py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
    m.add("CldbError", py.get_type::<CldbError>())?;
    m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(compile_chinillaclvm, m)?)?;
    m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(get_version, m)?)?;
    m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(start_chinillaclvm_program, m)?)?;
    m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(launch_tool, m)?)?;