chickenwire 0.1.0

A library for representing and manipulating hexagonal grids.
# Project Style Guide

This project firmly adheres to the following guides:
- [Formatting Guide]
- [Style Guide]

Everything below is in addition to those.

## General Rules

- Maximum line length is 79 characters. This includes comments, and there are
no exceptions.

## `mod` and `use` Order

- All `mod` declarations go before all `use` declarations within the scope.
- Blocks are then ordered by scope (`pub use` is above `pub(crate) use` is
above `use`, etc.).
- The following blocks need to be separated by a single line, in this order:
    - Standard library crates
    - Each individual community crate
    - Each project crate module
- Items within blocks are sorted alphabetically.
- Community crate blocks are sorted alphabetically.
- Prefer not to glob on `pub use`
- Never `pub use` or `pub mod` standard are community crates.
- Sample:

//! [ module docs ]

pub mod axial;
pub mod offset;

mod cube;
mod double;

pub use axial::Axial;

use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::iter::FromIterator;

use petgraph::graph::{node_index, NodeIndex};
use petgraph::stable_graph::StableGraph;
use petgraph::visit::Dfs;

use rand::prelude::*;

use axial::*;
use cube::*;
use double::*;
use offset::*;

## Headers

Section headers span the full line:

// Section Header

This header is to be used in regions where there is no indentation, most
commonly before structure definitions, traits, method implementations, and
unit tests.

The second header is the sub-header, which goes up to the 39th character:

    // Sub-Header

This header should be at one level of indentation, and is used to separate
method and unit testing categories.

## Documentation

Please document all of your code.